2011-06-29 17:27:45 UTC
Since then, things have not gotten better. Instead they have gotten worse. My parents apparently give less of a crap about her behavior and the terrible lessons she's learning from Disney channel characters. Now, she's moved on from just watching poor behavior on Disney and Nick shows onto I don't even know what these other shows are called, but they're worse. There are shows featuring constant fighting, cussing, between trashy, spoiled whores and egotistical, self-absorbed, muscular guys. Then she's watching one of the dozen shows on TV about morons got knocked-up and then got a TV show. Then shows where they make fun of people's looks for a living, and promote the ideas of being spoiled and materialistic, as well as being snotty and stupid over polite and intelligent. At this point, I realize that it can't JUST be the shows she watches. Her friends must be influencing her behavior as well, because in just seven months she's gone from being somewhat disrespectful to a major b*tch. And that's the nice way of saying it. Usually when I write my questions, I find the more respectful way of saying something, but I'm done with that now as I am legitimately p*ssed off.
She argues with everything I say, and I mean literally everything. I'm not one of those people who thinks that they're always right, but everything I say to my sister is right and she always argues with everything I say. She's disrespectful of everyone and everything. She never listens to any advice I give her. She refuses help from anyone except her father (my step-father). She is name-calling, ignorant, and extremely selfish and self-absorved. Whenever she's misbehaving and I try to get her to stop, she says "You're not the boss of me." And I'm not, but I don't like getting my parents involved in everything since I feel it shouldn't be hard to deal with a situation myself, and when I do get my parents involved all they say is "Deal with it!" Great parenting, there. They've basically let her develop this princess-mentality and I hate it. I can't stand being around her. It was actually a late last month I was diagnosed with clinical depression, and for those of you who don't know one of the symptoms of that is major irritability. I've tried controlling my anger, but this little sh!!t is not helping. I am starting to have more and more of a hard time trying to control my anger. Whereas, seven months ago she would usually change her attitude, now she'll just get worse. She's driving me up a wall, and I don't want my emotions to get the best of me. Again, I've brought this up with my parents but they're not taking it seriously at all. All they tell her to do is to be nicer, and she says "Okay," but she never is.
I can't stand being around her. I'm sure you've all heard someone say something along the lines of "You don't have to like the people in your family, but you still have to love them." For a long time, I've lived up to that. And so many people in my family are racists and homophobes, I often have a hard time even talking with them. But with my little sister, I can't. I simply can't. She disgusts me with the way she acts, and until she shapes up I will not even consider it. My parents have asked me in the past to take my sister to whatever sport practice she has going on, or to pick her up from the camp thing or whatever it's called from the rec-center, or they will make me take her to some stupid movie I don't want to see, and I've just dealt with it before... But no more. I'm done with her. I simply can't take it anymore.
Does anyone have any advice on:
How to get my sister to shape up and be more respectful?
How to bring this up to my parents without having them redirect the conversation on any of my faults (because they tend to do that EVERY time I bring up my sister)?
Or if there's nothing I can do there...
Just advice on how to better deal with my anger or maybe how to get my parents to take clinical depression more seriously?