Are many white people congenitally racist, or is that a learned behavior?
2015-11-11 05:54:17 UTC
Are many white people congenitally racist, or is that a learned behavior?
295 answers:
Tom Willcox
2015-11-12 16:59:14 UTC
I grew up on St. Croix U.S.Virgin Islands where the demographics broke down as follows: 75% black West Indian, 20% Puerto Rican and 5 % 'other', which would be the poor ( not ) white minority. I never heard the "N" word until I joined the Army and was stationed in Jersey. I didn't even know what racism WAS, although growing up, I was always called ' white boy' and 'gringo'. I'm sure there was some visceral 'dislike' toward whites, but I never felt it was a resentment just about being alive. I moved back after the Army and college and did notice there was an "almost' open distrust by people from different islands ( all blacks ): Arubans and Trinis, 'Tiguans and anybody and even Crucians and Tomians. But here's the thing - racism didn't exist. All the petty differences were settled loudly on the bones (dominoes) table at the chicken shack on any 'ol night o de week. Bottom line: racism is directly attributed to environment. Period.
2015-11-11 09:37:45 UTC
I think there is an intrinsic tendency to discriminate (not a negative thing since all learn to discriminate between hot and cold, wet and dry etc). Our brains are probably wired to express a natural caution about anything 'other', be it a different accent, skin colour, hairstyle general appearance, accent or language. And yes children are 'racist' in the sense that this is one of the things they will express natural caution towards, along with many others. Such caution may be ephemeral but observation suggests it is there. (Some of the most overtly racist remarks I have encountered have been between Asians and West Indians, and between West Indians and Africans) Yes there is an element of learned behaviour too, no doubt on both sides. Everyone decries apartheid yet everyone seems to desire it for their own little community group. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging difference but what wins out in the end is normal human relationship. No one should or can be forced to like anyone, but they may be encouraged to do so.
2015-11-12 04:05:41 UTC
EVERYONE seems to be born racist to an extent. I'm white, and I have had blacks be rude to me because I'm white. The people I knew had automatically assumed I was racist against them and ganged up on me, when that wasn't the case. I also used to go to a school that taught international kids English, so I've gotten it from OTHER races, too. Asians have talked behind my back, then made fun of me for not understanding them. A saudi Arabian guy called me a bigot for rejecting a relationship with him, when my reason was that he seriously was creepy (freaking stalker). The only race I've encountered so far that hasn't been racist to me in some way are people legit from Mexico, and South America in general. That might be because there's a lot where I am, though. That's just in my experience, though, and that's just the individuals I've met.

But in all seriousness, it's a learned behavior. My grandpa is super old fashihohned and racist against mostlt hispanics, and he makes me mad.
2015-11-11 13:29:05 UTC
You asked "Are many white people congenitally racist, or is that a learned behavior?"

The answer is both! But many people - white or not - who are bigots would also be racists if given the chance. Whites get most of the heat for racism because they've been the most "successful" racists in history - often benefiting the most economically or politically from their racism.

Humans are born bigots and learn to take it several levels higher into racism through careful education and with the accumulation of power (often by force) in order to carry it out. As it happens, historically whites have done that better than others. But make no mistake, blacks, browns, yellows and reds are just as innately capable of racism as are whites. That includes Asians, Hispanics, African descendants, Middle-easterners, etc.

The problem is nature in general and the human species in particular.
2015-11-12 09:30:27 UTC
I think there is an intrinsic tendency to discriminate (not a negative thing since all learn to discriminate between hot and cold, wet and dry etc). Our brains are probably wired to express a natural caution about anything 'other', be it a different accent, skin colour, hairstyle general appearance, accent or language. And yes children are 'racist' in the sense that this is one of the things they will express natural caution towards, along with many others. Such caution may be ephemeral but observation suggests it is there. (Some of the most overtly racist remarks I have encountered have been between Asians and West Indians, and between West Indians and Africans) Yes there is an element of learned behaviour too, no doubt on both sides. Everyone decries apartheid yet everyone seems to desire it for their own little community group. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging difference but what wins out in the end is normal human relationship. No one should or can be forced to like anyone, but they may be encouraged to do so.
2015-11-13 09:20:58 UTC
Humans have to learn everything. We learn that we don't like pain or starvation, even though the body is built to signal these occurrences.

Superiority complexes against someone based on appearance does have the possibility of being genetically coded.. -- but mammals don't know they fear humans until taught or lacking familiarity; why hatchlings cling to a human as its parent.

However, animals know when they're being stared down, and instinctively become defensive. So perhaps on the human side, primitive conflicts between different groups may have developed some evolutions of possible racism.

They say that the Tutsi and Hutu have race wars. But since they are technically the same race, could it just be tribal and cultural? They only fight each other, while whites seem to hate and mock all other races. -- or is it cultural as well?

Tv shows who's culture we really live in, and who fits that culture. Hair, skin tone, clothing. Suit and Tie, long flowing hair..

Can go both ways
2015-11-13 01:34:01 UTC
It's obviously learned behaviour, people aren't born racist, I never heard racism until I was 13 off another girl at school and was so shocked I didn't even think it was a thing people did unless they were full on evil it wasn't to the girls face either, I obviously saw as I got older people can be quite casual about there racist views, I'm not racist because I wasn't braught up to think anything different of someone purely on where they're from or what they look like, never been a thing for me I think my boyfriend can steriotyp white people though quite a lot but I know his parents do so it's totally learned
2015-11-12 01:33:52 UTC
some people take a response or explanation as a defense...

If white people were racist they wouldn't have had black people work on their plantations. They considered them employees, not slaves.

So I don't see many whites as being racist at all. Sure you have a few bad apples in all races though, and those probably have a grudge because of what maybe someone did to them personally.

but then again, that isn't concerning race.

I've heard recently that if a person asks a question about racism then they are racist.
2015-11-11 18:22:51 UTC
I used to be very liberal, but after the Trayvon incident and everything that followed I turned conservative, almost overnight.

I might still hold some liberal views on issues such as the environment and animal rights, but the constant kowtowing to the small but incredibly vocal and rude black minority was too much for me to take. All the liberal websites that I would visit made sure to offer me a steady stream of white male bashing while promoting blacks as if they were the best thing on Earth, in all situations and all the time.

There is little place for white males in progressive movements anymore other than being supportive punching bags who are to stand in the back and shut up. If anyone who is conservative is reading this, please take note. All of your arguing and convincing didn't change me a bit. The ill behavior of black people did- progressives will support black people and their causes first and foremost above all else, and if you make any complaints about it they will eat you alive.

If you want to change a progressive into a conservative, highlight black dysfunction and how they blame all of their problems on whites. Once you open your eyes and become a realist, you cannot go back.

Years and years of liberal indoctrination can vanish over night once you come to this realization.

The more liberal give in and support black people the more angry, demanding, and ungrateful blacks become. It's like feeding a fire with gasoline and then wondering why it burned your house down.

Black grievances are going to cost the Dems this election- just because no one is allowed to openly complain about black people and their constant whining doesn't mean millions upon millions of people are not fed up and pissed off.
Darryl Bullock
2015-11-11 14:51:03 UTC
It's absolutely a learned trait children aren't born racist,although I'm sure some ridiculously ignorant backwoods trailer park types would have you think that if they're proud racist,by virtue of this ,thier dangerously close to inbred offspring are somehow inherent born racist too, even more disturbing they inexplicably also think they're pets are too. The truth of the matter is there's no rational intelligent arguments to be made for the overbearingly ignorant racist ideas that shamelessly exsist today. And this overwhelming includes blacks and whites and Latinos. For as intelligent and progressed as our civilization is as a whole,we as a race sure hold on to some ignorant idiotic beliefs mainly about each other. If there's 1 reaffirming and redeeming quality most of us have as people,is then the majority of us inherently understand the we're all 1species collectively.
2015-11-12 09:57:35 UTC
The question begs to be edited…..are MANY is very loaded, and indicates to me the assumption that most white people are racist and is it because it is congenital. I don't see anywhere, that racism is rampant. It does exist, and from race to race, as expressed here. There is a comment here about black people on plantations were considered 'employees'. Good grief. Misinformation. I am white, I have done a lot of research on history, and these people were out and out slaves, not paid, beaten for wanting any kind of freedom, killed because of the rampant belief, and law standing behind them, to treat these slaves any way wanted. I have been told that in the south, racism is more prevalent than the north still today.

However, when I am confronted as I have been, about whites being racist it is usually in regard to blacks. I always say, and it is absolutely true, that I try my very best to take individuals on their own merit. I am respectful of those who respect me, regardless of anything else. I am for civil rights absolutely. Men, women, children, regardless of color, race or creed. Our country still has it's social ills and always will, but we are getting better…...
2015-11-11 14:29:29 UTC
Do colored people have a congenital inferiority complex around White people, or is it a learned behavior? Us White people didn't ask to be White, so don't accuse us of being racist, just because you weren't born White.
2015-11-13 09:03:46 UTC
Congenital comes first then learned behavior. Congenital involve with personality too, that person born stubborn then they remain completely racist. Or if they born racist but sooner or later, they are afraid of judgement so they pretend to be not racist, or simply cut the racism off. Learned behavior comes afterward congenital, you born racist but people around you accept any race so you changed. You born not racist but everyone around you are racist then it rubs off on you. Simple.
2015-11-12 16:56:53 UTC
I think other racial groups are quick to accuse anybody who disagrees with them as being racist. In reality, very few white people these days are racist. Racism per capita among white people is probably no higher than racism per capita among black people (yes, black people can be racists, too).

However, casting white people as racists is useful for liberals and progressives because it guilts and intimidates white people into agreeing with them. Racism allegations also have the secondary purpose of marginalizing and ostracizing those with a different opinion. This is why yelps of racism come from rich, white liberal elitists about as often (or more so) as they come from the black community. Because it's effective.

It's really a brilliant tactic because racism is a powerful accusation that requires no evidence to advance, but is virtually impossible to refute. If you can get a few retweets or a Huff Post op-ed claiming that somebody is racist, it doesn't matter whether they really are racist. At that point, you've slipped the idea into the realm of "common knowledge" and the stigma is there forever.
2015-11-16 15:38:51 UTC
ALL humans (not limited to race) have a tendency to discriminate towards things that we don't identify with - one of these things is people who don't look like us. This can be overridden a good extent by getting exposure in the world and meeting people of lots of different ethnicities.

Let's use an example here. I'm Indian, and you know where I faced the most racism? In my old hometown, where almost everyone was hispanic. Now I live in a big city, where there are many more white people than hispanics, and I'm treated pretty much just like everyone else.

Why is this? Is it because hispanic people are naturally racist douchebags? No. It's because they were largely only ever surrounded by other hispanics, so they weren't able to override that negative bias towards someone of a different race. The same thing could happen if you moved into some town in the middle of Alabama that was 99.9% white, or into a city in Korea where almost everyone was (you guessed it) Korean.

Experience is everything here, not race.
2015-11-13 01:19:47 UTC
Racism is absolutely not inherited genetically. No child is born into this world hating his/her fellow humans based on such a trivial matter of skin tone. Of course people that are racist are conscious of their racism, but this racism is definitely learned/taught over time. This teaching comes in MANY different forms, whether it be the media manipulating information, movies, shows, it is mostly taught by parents or relatives, kids can be quite impressionable and can't always tell right from wrong, and this is one of the worst causes. A good example of this would be the south, many are racist because their parents have taught them so over time, saying it is in their "history" and these kids, not knowing better take these things to heart. I definitely think it has to do with environment like another answer said, aswell as people always wanting to have an "odd man out" in hopes of boosting their self esteem. But this is not the way to do it.
2015-11-11 17:41:23 UTC
It's always learned.

My Grampa was a white guy born in the Midwest in the 20s and hence, a institutional racist by default. He'd mutter N words under his breath even while looking for the black guy he saw eating food from a garbage can so he could give him a 20. Couldn't find him. Lost sleep over it. Gramps loved humans, while describing some in bad terms. Helped me see how crazy the whole thing is as I was raised in a nasty racist town.

It's learned. It's taught. It's reinforced and rewarded. But it's not unbeatable.
Sunday Crone
2015-11-12 13:19:23 UTC
Racism is a learned behavior not one that is congenital in ALL races. My Father was from the Mid West and was about the least racists person I even knew, so was my Grandfather and the majority in the paternal side of my family.
Nobody Knows Anything
2015-11-11 17:31:42 UTC
There is absolutely no such thing as "congenital racism" because race isn't a real-world trait, it's just a generalization label we use for convenience. Racists learn racism from their parents, or from others around them in their formative years, just like every other deeply-held, shallowly-questioned belief, such as religion.

For instance, yours obviously hammered the idea that white people are racist, to the point where you actually believed it was an inborn trait. THAT is racist against white people.

BTW, this question is offensive whether you're racist, or white or not. It's offensive as hell.
2015-11-11 10:23:33 UTC
No. Whites or any race for that matter are not born racist. Racism is a practiced system, one group in power denying another group, or groups, based on race. White supremacy which is practiced in the U.S. and through out the world denies basic human rights, freedoms, securities, etc to blacks, and other people of color to varying degrees, and is practiced at every level of human interaction. Political, economical, spiritual, etc. Has nothing to do with who likes/dislikes, or gets along with you. If you have no power to exclude anyone from anything, you can't be a racist, prejudiced maybe, but not racist.
2015-11-13 07:52:22 UTC
Humanity evolved in tribes. That's why we feel more comfortable around people who look like we do. Not just white people, but black people and Asian people as well. It's just noticed more in white people because there are so many. I also think being a majority, that probably gives a little arrogance on a subconscious level.

That being said, as a white man who doesn't think he is racist, I do get uncomfortable walking the street and coming across a group of black people, but I think it goes back to that tribal instinct. However if we spent enough teaching ourselves to ignore those baser instincts, we could make them disappear completely
2015-11-13 04:31:47 UTC
There is no race that is racist, racism is a learned behaviour and usually the way people were raised up, or just delusional experiences in general. Sure if you're born into an environment full of people your own race you would naturally be curious about people who would appear new to you, but I doubt people are naturally racist at all.
2015-11-11 06:01:03 UTC
I think that no one is congenitally racist. The fact of the matter is that racist people are a small minority of the population. The R word is thrown around so willy nilly these days and now applies to anyone who has a differing opinion to someone of a different race. People are so afraid of being labeled as racist that they treat people of color differently as not to offend but it always does. It's a vicious cycle.
2015-11-11 06:37:29 UTC
Racism has — or had — genetic survival value. I can tell by your skin color that you're not a member of my tribe from a kilometer away (stranger danger was once drastically real). For our ancestors to ignore that would be the genetic equivalent of ignoring 5% of snakes being poisonous. That the other 95% of snakes are safe had much less survival value.

Addendum: Racism is innate, what to be racist against is learned.

However, unless you're going to make a claim that one skin color group is less able to distinguish strangers than other skin color groups based on skin color, no claim can be made that any one skin color group is more "racist" than any other.

Now-a-days, since we can rationalize that we live in a society wherein the genetic survival value of skin color recognition is marginal at best it is stupid to continue treating it as is if it did. In the instant, yes, we are all racist, but give us a few second to adjust, and few really are. We've got bigger fish to fry.
2015-11-13 09:07:43 UTC
It depends on what you mean by "racist". Since there are no different races, the term is moot, and since I hate hypocrisy and am a very logical person, with such a premise we can't really discuss any further. Maybe if you were to reword it, but I doubt you are after information. Instead I am quite sure your skin is dark, you live in a predominently white country, some of them treat you like $hit and so you are angry and seeking revenge, that's ok dude, steam off if you must but the path to happiness is still fairly long for you.
2015-11-13 12:35:41 UTC
Racism can be taught, a response to traumatic events or in rare cases, a fear of the unknown(e.g. A tribal African seeing white people for the first time). The majority of racism, as I understand, relates to politics, religion and low intelligence. In the US, the media is a product that targets certain groups and slanders others for financial, political and religious reasons. Jewish bankers control our money and the anti-Muslim propaganda makes sense when you separate those two points from the whole. In places like Sri Lanka and Myanmar, Muslims are slaughtered and burned in piles, simply because they fear Islam. Our opinions and ideas DO spread, whether or not they make sense. Right now, our culture is trying to be more progressive than possible and it's ridiculous. "Political Correctness" oppresses a group every time it takes a stand for another. I think making frivolous lawsuits more difficult to go to trial would improve relations a bit, indirectly, but it's national/global consciousness that creates stigmas. When people accept a preconceived concept, it makes an impact. We need to have deeper rooted communities and make local governments stronger to have any impact on the FED's bullshit. Address the issues and face them head on, if you wish.
2015-11-11 18:25:44 UTC
Racism exists all over the world among people of all colors. There is racism between Japanese and Chinese people. In Mexico there is racism between Mexicans and indians.

Typically racism is learned from family, friends, groups, and organizations. It's also the product of exaggerated media stereotypes broadly believed in by people grew up with little interaction with other races. Many people who grew up and lived their lives in racially homogonized areas often mistrust other races and believe they all share a narrow range of inferiorities and personality traits.

The idea that white people are uniquely and inherantly racist is a racist stereotype. As someone who comes from mixed ancestry I have been both welcomed and discriminated against by multiple races of people. It's all the same. The most common attribute of significantly racist black, white, latino, and asian people I've known or worked with is that they are fairly brainwashed, ignorant, and don't get along well with most people.
2015-11-12 20:18:00 UTC
I did not feel racist until I lived in a neighborhood with people of color and they hurt my child with a disability I thought they would have had much more compassion but it was just human nature. It could have happened anywhere. The color of their skin was just something to target. Basically, it is not the color of a persons skin, it is the character of a person which determines how I feel. When I begin to see collective traits that others complain about, then I see that I too am becoming a racist. I did not want to be. I found out that black people hated white people and could be just as mean to me although I chose to live in a mixed middle class neighborhood. It was very unsettling to experience reverse discrimmination.
James Rolfe
2015-11-11 14:58:58 UTC
Look up the Jane Elliot experiments. Participants were school children of all races, but were predominantly white. She showed that children (of all races) who were previously friends could very easily be taught to discriminate against one another after just hours of prejudiced brainwashing.

White people come under fire for "racism" a lot of the time for one very good reason, which is unfortunately a general public misunderstanding of the difference between "racism" and "xenophobia". White people tend to live in wealthy countries that are highly sought-after locations by immigrants; as people of a wealthy nature, it seems obvious (though usually incorrectly) to protect your nation's wealth by denying others the opportunity to share it.

As an example, the UK is a popular immigrant destination, because there are jobs and wealth to be had for hard working people. British people are predominantly white, though this has nothing to do with the anti-immigration sentiment held by some. Those Brits that are against inward immigration are just as opposed to migration from other white nations, such as Poland, Germany and the United States, as they are immigration from non-white nations such as African or Asian countries. On the other hand, there is very little reason for British people to migrate to say, The Gambia, which is a country that receives very few immigrants. The Gambia gets few immigrants, so they have no reason to turn people away. Thus the immigrant-popular nation of the UK is seen as a white racist nation, whilst The Gambia is seen as a non-white immigrant-friendly nation.

The fact that most primarily white countries are wealthy has nothing to do with race.
2015-11-12 07:38:01 UTC
there are two other elements that must be dealt with before prejudice can be completely eliminated. First, there is sin and human imperfection. The Bible plainly states: “There is no man that does not sin.” (1 Kings 8:46) So no matter how hard we try, we face the same internal struggle as the apostle Paul, who wrote: “When I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me.” (Romans 7:21) Thus, from time to time, our imperfect heart will resort to “injurious reasonings” that can lead to prejudice.—Mark 7:21.

Second, there is the influence of Satan the Devil. The Bible describes him as “a manslayer” and says that he “is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (John 8:44; Revelation 12:9) That explains why prejudice is so prevalent and why mankind seems so helpless in the face of bigotry, discrimination, genocide, and other forms of racial, religious, and social intolerance.

Hence, before there can be the total elimination of prejudice, there must be the removal of human sin, imperfection, and the influence of Satan the Devil. The Bible shows that God’s Kingdom will accomplish just that.

Jesus Christ taught his followers to pray to God in these words: “Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.” (Matthew 6:10) God’s Kingdom is the means by which all injustices—including all forms of intolerance and prejudice—will be done away with.

When God’s Kingdom comes and takes control over earth’s affairs, Satan will be “bound,” or completely restrained, so that “he might not mislead the nations.” (Revelation 20:2, 3) There will then be a “new earth,” or human society, in which “righteousness is to dwell.”*—2 Peter 3:13.

Those living in that righteous human society will be brought to perfection, free from sin. (Romans 8:21) As subjects of God’s Kingdom, “they will not do any harm or cause any ruin.” Why? “Because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah.” (Isaiah 11:9) At that time, all mankind will learn Jehovah God’s ways and imitate his loving personality. This will indeed mean the end of all prejudice, “for there is no partiality with God.”—Romans 2:11.
Wu LongDi
2015-11-11 21:16:05 UTC
If I had asked the same question but had mentioned an ethnic group other than white people how would that make you feel? If I had asked it about black, hispanic, or asian people? Most white people are NOT racist. Just like most every other kind of people are also NOT racist. A few from each ethnic group are, but they don't represent the majority. Let's all not be racist together.
2015-11-11 10:09:49 UTC
From what I gather from living among right wing conservatives; white mothers don't teach their children humility, they teach their children "white power" and that planet Earth was created for white people and other people are expendable. Thats why white people grow up with a sense of entitlement and act as if every one else is below them. They don't think twice about hurting other or humiliating other races because they have been desensitized to their suffering. To be fair people in China also bring up their children with a sense of superiority and you would see them behaving the same way towards black people. The genocide in Rwanda is another example where one group was taught by their parents that they were superior to Tutsi people. Only in countries where humility is a virtue do you find people that are more humane towards other races.
2015-11-11 17:22:12 UTC
I'm not one to believe racism is a learned behavior in the sense that if you surround yourself with racist people you'll become racist too. It's more of a lack of experience and education. Normally all of the people I've encountered who were racist have been high school dropouts and not extremely engaged with the environment around them. In short, they're completely oblivious to everything going on around them.
2015-11-12 10:46:39 UTC
I believe it is learned, from things like bad experiences from people of a different culture who happen to be racially different, observing parents or friends or close relations saying bad things or making bad jokes about people who are different, or, maybe you grow up in a predominantly white country and are wary of things that are different so are uncomfortable around people of different ethnic, cultural or religious backgrounds. Other factors could be your interpretation of history and how your peers react to racial issues. I think most people of any race might have a certain amount of prejudice against certain members of society, but good people strive to overcome them or, if they can't for whatever reason, they do not make their feelings public.

I have a niece whose mother is friends with a woman of colour and one of my niece's friends is a coloured girl (no relation to her mom's friend) who was adopted by white parents. So if my niece's mom laughed at a joke that happened to relate to someone of a different ethnicity, my niece would be offended even though she's a white blonde girl.

So, to sum up my long-winded answer, I believe racism is learned, can be an instinctive reaction in some instances, but I we white people are not congenitally racist.
2015-11-14 14:07:57 UTC
I am a straight white male. I was raised in a white family that had some members who didn't like other races like blacks, muslims,etc.. Yet my best friends were never white. My first best friend was Black, my second best friend was Asian. And my current best friend is Asian. Im not racist, on the other hand I don't like muslims. Ive never had a muslim friend and don't want to. Im christian but that doesn't mean anything because my asian friends don't really worship anything actually. I am ok if your from the middle east and your ancestors were muslim as long as you yourself are not muslim.

I despise muslims. Maybe its because of what I have learned about them. How all it takes is one radical one to try to kill everyone they can before they finally die. To me its not worth the risk. I don't want to be friends with some one who will also disrespect women and also not like me because I'm not muslim.

Racism is taught I think. Equality doest mean white people should give you a crown and bow down to you because your black. I think all you can do logically is just treat every one the same. No ones different really. Its kind of like breeds of dogs, they are all dogs they just look different. I have Mexican friends too. I don't really discriminate that much. I feel like people actually discriminate against me more just because I'm white. Im middle class, I'm not poor. I don't live in a poor neighborhood. I wasn't raised around many black people, but they never bothered me.
2015-11-11 23:06:52 UTC
I personally think that you're raised into the thought process. I am white, and both my parents and all of my older relatives are racist... like, to the core. But they all are going off of what they've been taught by the people before them. I, myself don't believe that I am racist. My siblings and the cousins I have around my age are also not racist. But we also grew up in a different generation and were taught differently.
2015-11-12 12:09:32 UTC
I think racism is natural. We all look for what is closest to us and attack what is not. Psychologists involved in the making of Planet of the apes all got a bit of a shock. There were lots of different groups of friends, but when the costumes were handed out, it was done randomly. They noticed that come lunch break, all the gorilla's sat together, even though they didn't know each other. They discarded their pals for strangers. The chimps and orangutans did exactly the same. They were suddenly happier with their own kind. Once the costumes were gone at the end of the day, they again mixed with their pals as they were their own kind again. Colour didn't come into it. If blonde Danish and blond Brits were put together, I bet they would keep to their own groups. Red ants and black ants fight like hell. As I said, only people like yourself are accepted.
2015-11-12 13:34:05 UTC
As studying sociology I find it interesting. As a white person myself I feel like noticing other white people thinking their better then someone else because of religion, race or nationality.

Meanwhile, my whole familys white and most people would see it as racist and my grandfather has been brought up racist and does have a lot of stereotypes about people.

Personally I think white people are racist, but then I feel like everyone is and everyone makes judgements of other people due to that extent.
2015-11-13 05:03:57 UTC
At one time it would be a species trait. Like two differing tribes running through the jungles... They would ONLY associate in times of need. Say drought, habitat loss, loss of foods, etc... People are so quick to call natural, animalistic, human behavior RACEISM.

These meetings either ended in fighting or fraternization or both. Their have also been found tribes of intermixed races which are though to be outcasts or groups that banded for self preservation after sharp declines due to war or more likely disease. Findings always seem to lean toward preservation.

We never seem to touch on black on black racism but it is still very common in any nation of colored people who discriminated on varying degrees of SHADE, tone, or hue. Facial features and structures were also cause for alienation. These rarer forms of racism are still very prevalent in societies of today in sub-Saharan Africa.

What we are talking about here in the United States is MUCH, MUCH different and can be explained in long boring detail or quick fact based no nonsense truths for simple minded yahoo answers people.

YES! Racism is taught BUT, not so much by family members AND more so by the fake, lying, yet accepted NEWS MEDIA of the times. Even though everyone of us know that people are assholes or not assholes, no matter their color we still reach into the bag of stupid pretend raciest to keep us distracted from much harder truths. Black and white, is now rich or poor. Public Housing and welfare are taught and learned behaviors. Public housing is prisons w/o bars. Just look at the god damn buildings... U can sell crack and heroin at these projects but try the same from a white neighborhood??? EVERYTHING beyond eating, sleeping, breathing, and drinking is TAUGHT and Learned behaviors...
Ursus Particularies
2015-11-11 20:41:05 UTC
I have found that most humans do not want anyone else to be successful in life except for number one. If there were only one race, then the scapegoats would be same one race but different language, or different eye color, or something else.

We should leave others alone unless they are violating the law. The police should deal with that, no vigilante justice, no selective terror.

Each earth person should be fixated on betterment of own self.

It's not a problem solely with white, it's a problem with blacks, with Japanese, with Russians and all others.

ISIS wants to finish off ALL OTHERS. After that they would certainly end up finishing off themselves -- no more earthlings at all.

I have also found that if a person does focus on self-betterment, most all others of same race, nationality still want to cause that person trouble, because they resent the fact that good person is now better. Why was Jesus hated in his land of birth?

There's economic bias too. Those in the middle catch it from both the upper and the lower.

If most are the same, they still find something, even invent it, like the Salem Witch Trials.

The 'Republicans' (whatever that means) hate 'Liberals.'

The stupid hate the educated.

The rich hate and detest the poor, even though they themselves hardly do any work for their living.

It is said 'Love makes the world go round' or was said 50 years ago. Hate seems to be making the world go around more and more nowadays.

Keep the HATE people out of power as to government ! Did you hear about Hitler? Ku Klux Klan? When they are successful eliminating one group, they will do another.

No, it is not congenital in anyone. It is wrong upbringing as to focusing on own business and own life and own self-betterment.

Help others who are working on self-betterment, regardless of who they are.

Each nation exists for the betterment of all.

God exists too, and wishes for the betterment of all.

God is actually the sole and true Sovereign, and He will save the world when the Great False Sovereign appears.

At that time, all of the puny, petty, arrogant, evil false sovereigns will disappear as well.

The false sovereigns like to gather in groups of more or less similar mind: Ku Klux Klan, ISIS, Nazi. Some nations have a Number One Leader who beats all into submission if they do not agree with his personal hates.

A Great Hater is about to appear who will hate God and any of his true followers the most of all.

But the humble who live and let live -- in peace and prosperity -- will inherit the world.

One can sort oneself two ways in relation to the foregoing.

I estimate 10 to 19% sort definitely for the better, unless they go astray as time rolls on.

Children are innocent, no decision having been made.

Too many adults are neutral, a weakness when testing comes.

Some prophecies seem to say only 10% will be left standing in the End of Age Judgment.

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision...

Each person reaps what he has sown. That is an ultimate fairness from God which one can depend on.

You are Most Successful when everyone else about you is successful too.

All true success is shared, think about it... [some deemed successful really are not]

God, The Most Successful, is also The Most Sharing of All.

As a Good Parent, He does not poison the self-concept of his numberless children throughout the cosmos.

One can never rise above one's own self-concept.

Herein lies the secret of an Improving and Advancing World.

Love, wisdom, mercy, compassion and a generous dose of tolerance are best.

If you would have these for yourself, then you must desire them for others.
2015-11-12 05:20:47 UTC
Personally, I've found that people who don't even consider the possibility of their own inherent racism are under-the-radar racists. So, please do include those who don't consider themselves racists.

These are the ridiculous people who say things like "I don't see color."

Anyway, no one is born racist. However, they are often born into the privilege of being part of the widespread, mainstream mono-culture of the United States. And, as such, many are blind to the struggle people of other races have.

When they hear about how difficult things can be by societal or systemic racism, some, those with empathy, will do what they can to help. Others, those who lack empathy, will behave like the self-centered jerks they are, becoming increasingly annoyed by people who aren't exactly like themselves.
2015-11-11 21:54:39 UTC
The word racist has been watered down so much, can't even have a rational discussion about something as important as immigration without being labelled a Nazi. Just look at Europe today, millions of people flooding in and everyone has to remain silence.
2015-11-11 19:35:48 UTC
There's absolutely no such thing a "congenital racism." Racism isn't an intrinsic trait-- it is learned. Human brains, however, how a tendency to categorize things to make it easier, one broad example being gender. When we see a person, we stereotype them based on how they look as "male" or "female". If our brains didn't do this, we would have to relearn information every time we see someone. When you see someone with long hair, at least in my country, you typically think "female." If our brain didn't make these stereotypes, it would be very difficult for us-- it's a matter of efficiency. However, people can hold onto negative stereotypes/ racist views in our brain's same method of making things quicker for us by stereotyping.
2015-11-13 02:45:37 UTC
Wait a minute? Are you assuming that all White People are racist?

Im Native Sri Lankan, but i was born in New Zealand and now i live in Australia.

I find the locals here to be friendly, helpful and kind. They have always stuck by me no matter what. Actually they are a lot nicer that asians.
2015-11-13 09:51:14 UTC
2015-11-12 00:17:25 UTC
Me and a friend joke around racist jokes. Its like laughing at our differences. Neither of us find it offensive.

It's literally just like saying "haha you're blonde that's why" or something silly. Some people take it offensively, some people just roll with it. (This is an actuall (non-racist) example cuase I'm blonde).

Aight is our most prominent sense. Think of it like if smell was out most prominence sense, we'd all be more weary of how other people smell; the differences. If you want to make a joke out of it than amen to you.

It gets racist when you make a joke and the one you're joking to isn't on par with you. There's a fine line between joking about something to each other and joking at someone when they are sensitive to or take offence to it.

So I guess I'm saying, (and it's weird) that we're all born with sight. With that comes analysing the visual differences (body shaming, shallow stereotypes and racism). It's you're choice whether you make that offensive or not.
2015-11-11 23:18:32 UTC
Everyone is racist to a point. Stop stirring up strife and encourage people to love.

In the Book of Corinthians describes the perfect love.

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth.

It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.

Yet what you may not realize is that Saint Paul is not talking about romantic love. Rather, he's asking his community to be more loving, and more Christ-like. For Christians, it's an excellent reminder that your love for one another should be like God's love.
2015-11-12 04:12:37 UTC
Every group has their own prejudices, reinforced by other people not liking them because they're different. Black people are just as racist against whites as whites are against blacks. A white man that I know was recently in a car accident in which his car was hit by a black woman's at an intersection. The black cop who responded refuse to take any statements of any of the witnesses and said it was the white guy's fault. Even though she ran a red light. So this guy, who was racist to begin with, is even more confirmed in his opinions now.

Reverse racism happens all the time, it does hatred of groups that are different within the same race. I've heard black friends complain that they were discriminated against by others blacks because their skin was darker. Blacks from different parts of the world discriminant against those from other parts of the world. African tribes fight against each other, as do Arabs and every other people group. Italians, Irish, Jews... It's human nature.
Lisa M
2015-11-13 08:47:28 UTC
Racism is based on a US and THEM mentality. The minute you can look in a mirror and realise you are different than others and others are different from you it creates a dichotomy which, in turn, creates the US and THEM situation. Therefore, racism starts at a very young age. Hate doesn't always accompany racism. You can be racist and think you are very nice to people who are different from you. But it's the limitation of choice within a power structure that may result in people being discriminated against.
2015-11-12 23:08:33 UTC
All races are biologically hardwired to be racist to an extent, race isn't a made up magic word, men have banded together and formed tribes based on physical and intellectual aspects throughout history. Right to association, it's about preserving the cultural identity and acknowledging the unique traits which make various races distinct.
Cosmos Jones
2015-11-12 07:35:36 UTC
If you take the time to speak to a racist or atheist. they will may give examples of bad experiences they had with one or several races. One young man was harassed by Mexicans living near a base and only recently discovered he is half Mexican. His mom died of an overdose when he was six.

You can try to point out this could have happened at the hands of a white person just as easily but they will insist there is a flaw within the race that made one steal their television set when they were at college. If you point out that whites also steal , they tell you more blacks are criminals. If you say it is because they are poor, they point out they were also raise poor and don't expect a hand out. My grandmother claimed her resistance to intermingling with blacks is that their acceptance of sexual immorality would infect society instead of acclimating blacks to her standards.

She was the only outspoken racist in the family and died many years ago.She told me this was the only time she and my grandfather fought. He believed she was wrong about this. They married at 13 and remained so until death.

In spite of her attitudes or maybe as backlash, my father became sympathetic to the treatment of blacks and passed this on to his children.

Fear often because hate. If a group of black young men edge you off a sidewalk, you may dismiss this as them being jerks or you may start a fight with them and get yourself hurt. It is a learned behavior that is exacerbated by limited contact with blacks who are not criminals.

Your experiences are limited with people of other color and races based on the need to protect yourself from them. I don't think burning down cities is the answer when something bad happens to one individual. I know police kill blacks way too much but arson is not the answer. Everyone has a right to a trial by their peers.The majority of humans agree on this one. Looting and burning down buildings is just foolishness that should be addressed by someone other then Al Sharpton.

I am mixed so if it is congenital , this may explain why I am often at war with myself .
2015-11-13 08:10:22 UTC
No one knows that answer because we are a product of too many factors. My theory,though, is that it is learned behavior. If we are brought up around people of other colors, it's natural to us. People fear the unknown like mommy why is this person dark? Then it's up to our parents too and what they implant in our heads. Most I suspect is learned. There's probably a little that's automatic when we are a child, because we fear unknown. We always fear things as kids that look different than us. Dark is also associated with darker things in life like horror shows and etc, so when we see it as kids, we subconsciously draw that link.
2015-11-13 08:07:56 UTC
I have noticed that most folks prefer to be those who are most like them. It makes no difference the color or religion, people like to be with people like them. It is true within a race as well. The white poor with tattoos and a hs or less education do not want to be my friend and the 1 percent and the Rich prefer to hang out with their own. I am a white woman with 2 degrees, I admit that in the back of my head, I scoff at those whites who do not try. I tend to give blacks a break because they have had it tougher in many cases. Even my own under educated relatives, I do not wish to be around.

So truthfully I just think it boils down to Baptist or Catholic, Hindu or Islamic, black or white, everyone prefers to hang with those like themselves and scoffs at the others.

This is world wide and within each race as far as I can tell. It also seems to me that all races in general prefer the lighter skin tome. Watch the "pretty actresses in Egypt, India, Asia and Mexico and you will see more white tones. Beats me why that is. Whites are not running the media there.
Just Hazel
2015-11-12 11:25:59 UTC
Definitely a learned behavior. De-segregation of schools would not have been problematic (for the children) if it could have been accomplished one grade at a time. IOW mixed 1st grade only.. Next year mixed 1st and 2nd grade. And so on. Of course, if child goes home to a racist family, all bets are off.
Slade Cutter Whips Quiet Riot
2015-11-12 08:38:06 UTC
Yeah, it's learned. At Kennesaw Landis School for the Awesomely Intelligent White People.
2015-11-11 05:55:04 UTC
I'm learning defensive 'racism' from liberals. They're teaching us well.

Oh, you would likely consider me to be a racist. I believe in enforcing our immigration laws and ending affirmative action.

You have some nerve asking a question about racism that assumes an inborn trait of a particular race. What happened to "We're all the same!" ?
2015-11-13 07:11:16 UTC
Don't pay the white race any mind. Our bark is bigger than out bite. You always see the white race on national T.V on their knees and cutting their heads off.

Why don't you see blacks on T.V getting their heads cut off?

Something to think about? At least blacks kill each other and mostly is behind disrespect or money. Non race related but foreign people bring drugs into this country and kidnap hard working Americans and cut their heads off on national T.V. Whites shoot up malls and colleges. A lot of other none sense.

People simply want to complain and cry about something and judge the next person..

Ignore ignorance and your life will be better than their sad miserable life..
Bruce Robert
2015-11-12 06:20:45 UTC
It is a learned behavior, just like minorities who think they have a sense of entitlement that would rather show their ignorance and racism by claiming all white people are racist.
The Elixir
2015-11-13 13:35:05 UTC
To hell with the white man!!

Just kidding.

Racism is taught. It is illogical. I'd even go as far as to say it's a disorder. It makes no sense to be racist or think of yourself as superior to people you're going to encounter. Racists are among the highest ignorant people there are.
2015-11-13 13:28:28 UTC
Has to be learned. I grew up in a predominantly black inner city in a large US city. The whites basically comprised maybe less then 1% of the populace and any not white or black basically wasn't counted. I was most comfortable with black folks. As kids, everyone was everywhere, in each other's homes, always hanging out together, we all went to the same schools, same churches/temples/etc., shopped at the same stores. Where we lived was right next to a large university campus so there were families of foreign students and profs too, but a lot of the kids I went to school with were from broken homes (back then it was NOT the norm) or the men didn't stick around or take responsibility for their offspring and many kids were raised by a single mom or grandmom who was undereducated and was not making a lot of money. We got exposed to all sorts of ethnicities, cultures, religions, education levels. At one of our high school parties though, held at someone's house (this was way back when parents actually chaparoned parties), I overheard a few of the mom's talking about us (the kids) and one said "well, it's ok as long as they're just dating but would you really want your kid to marry, or, God forbid, have a baby, with someone outside your religions and face???" And those adults were die hard bleeding heart liberals. It wasn't until I went to college and was surrounded by mostly white people and it scared me, they seemed to have all sorts of prejudices against anyone of color (anyone), anyone with any disability, anyone who wasn't hetero and they seemed distrustful of people outside of their religion even. Never met so many paranoid folks. But, after they got to know you, they were ok. However, the black students created their own group (kind of like a fraternity but with males and females but only black folks were welcome), and it hurt my feelings not to be allowed. I still managed to make friends with anyone who'd be my friend; the surface stuff didn't make any difference, it was what they believes in their heart and soul, how well they used their mind, and how open minded they were that counted. I still like and have a variety of friends and really become uncomfortable if things get too homogenous.
Frank Barnwell
2015-11-13 10:45:41 UTC
White / PURE People are not Racist, they have a Superior ability to Reason out Inferior inter Species of Beings, and still stand Strong; the Caucasian Beasts from the area of the Caspian Sea are, they realize that they are the lowest form of advanced Homo sapiens, on the face of the Earth, as they maintain their United Front, while striking deals with both sides, and as they Profit off the weakness of Human beings, in the Realm of Human Compassion/s; Fairy's are good People, the Beast was just made in their Image. ...1113.2015
2015-11-11 10:42:40 UTC
But White people aren't the only racists.

Racists come from all walks of life, and from every background.

Racism, xenophobia and out-group discrimination will have a biological component, although the environment can make it worse.
2015-11-12 15:10:49 UTC
I grew up in South Africa. When I was there black and white did not mix. I wasn't alloud black friends or to talk to anyone that wasn't white.

I ended up having a baby with a black many and having a long term relation with him. Also 99.9 % of my friends come from different backgrounds, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nigeria.. You name it. .... I dont see color, I see the soul of a person... I grew up in a racist family ( they don't like to admit the fact they are racist) and I dispise any discrimination against color, background ect. Being racist is not tought.

Ever since I had my son, who is mixed race, my racist family are warming to other cultures and colours.
2015-11-14 08:01:37 UTC
Everyone is inherently racist because they're not visually the same as us.

Then we learn to be racist because they don't hold the same ideas and values as us

There is an ironic thing that happens with the left. One vocal white racist, now all whites are racist.

One vocal black racist? Nonsense, blacks cannot be racist. They're disenfranchised.
2015-11-12 17:14:18 UTC
it is a learnt behaviour through prejudice from governments giving handouts to people based on their skin colour.

It is a learnt behaviour due to preferential treatment of people based on skin colour in Schools and society.

It is a learnt behaviour supported by a groups limited brain capacity through their behaviour within society.

It is a learnt behavior as seen in the world that some can organise and others do not.

the nations are seperated for a reason, natural borders are meant to be so.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-11-13 10:16:35 UTC
It is TAUGHT; I was born, & raised in Central West Texas, in the 40s/50s; The South was still segregated then. I never went to school with any Negroes (Blacks had their own little school, across the RR Tracks); Until I joined the military, in the late 50s. Even then, I still didn't come in contact with Blacks much, as most of them did not have the education to get into Naval Aviation ! I was an aircraft/jet engine mechanic ! In one squadron, we had 1 Black man ( Stevens); also a jet eng. mechanic). We became good friends over in VietNam ! We both retired from the military, and he became a Private Investigator, in San Francisco !
2015-11-13 12:52:49 UTC
not too sure why this is aimed at white people because from my experience all groups, ethinicities etc are racist to a degree. I live in a multicultural country, so not in US, but the most racist people here are black people. They call indians "malbars" in a negative way, they consider anyone who isnt black or have dry fuzzy hair as not a true born national, they call white people "gran blan" (big white- meaning that they assume just because you are white means you think so dam highly of yourself and that you are too rich and good for everyone else) and they make fun of chinese people, but the moment you call them a "mazanbik" (insulting word for black people which means you are really really fecking black, derived from the word "Mozambique" they lose their **** and get all upset.

But almost all the groups are racist. The indians keep to themselves, the chinese dont want their daughters bringing black people to their home etc.

I think racism is just part of the human experience. I myself am white, and my best friends are black and indians, but race or colour of skin plays only a small factor in any prejudicial thoughts i may have

eg. I could be walking down the street and a well dressed black person passes by in office clothes. Just another person

a bunch of black young dudes in dumb gangster clothes are passing by. I ******* avoid them like the plague.

My indian friend hates indians. they get on his nerves cus they walk in flocks holding each others hands, and overcompensate and are so socially awkward it isnt even funny.
Freedom Soars
2015-11-13 02:43:54 UTC
Well, I'm not white but your question is offensive because you're stating "many white people blah blah blah"...and the way you word your question shows some sort of hatred or jealousy toward whites. There are racist people in every race. What race are you? The same question could equally apply to your race, if we use your mentality.

And the answer to your question is neither, because your premise is false.
2015-11-13 01:11:33 UTC
This is a learned behavior it has no demographics. Black people are racist, white people are racist, hispanic people are racist, asian people are racist. This is a learned behavior in all races, learned from the elders and the community.
Jake No Chat
2015-11-13 04:38:05 UTC
I think it is 5% human nature to be wary of different people (not saying racist, but perhaps suspicious), and 95% of racist people have learned it via their upbringing / environment. And that likely goes for more than just white people.
2015-11-11 17:57:10 UTC
Naturally, human tribes had a preference towards a group of people that looked like themselves. So instinctively we are a bit discriminatory. However, in this modern age there's no reason to be racist.
2015-11-12 10:07:17 UTC
learned behavior, I'm white and do to growing up around people of all races so to speak only one race though humans. Skin color is the last thing I see, I had foster paranets of each race at one point or another, spent time with kids f who have other skin colors and the like, and racial issues was never talked about or explained till I was much much older, and still think the whole thing about skin color people either hate or complain about is utter bs, about the only good thing about growing up in the system is didn't have the luxury to judge based on skin color so never learned to.
2015-11-12 19:41:27 UTC
colored people are wayyyyyyy more racist than whites. Colored people are the only people you hear talking about whites being racist then turning right back around and telling racist jokes against whites then saying reverse racism doesn't exist so they can continue to fuel the fire. They know they're getting to whites this way, so it's more of a test to see how tolerant white people can be.
2015-11-11 07:54:33 UTC
You used the word "racist" in a manner that suggests that you are unaware of its dictionary definition.

BTW, if you will go to the trouble of counting how many times that word is used here on YA, and who is using it, you will find that it is the liberals who are using it in excess of 95% of the time..... and more often than not using it incorrectly.

BTW, the conservatives have a black, a woman, two Latinos, and an Asian Indian as their Presidential Candidates.

The Democrats? A couple of whites..... RICH whites..... VERY RICH whites.

You were saying????
2015-11-11 21:23:04 UTC
skin colour is nothing but evolution, the nearer your ancestors were to the equator the closer they were to the

radiation/heat of the sun. Darker skin pigment protects from harmful rays, i am from scotland which is not famous for sunbathing and i have pale skin because it (in theory) does not need protection from the sun. Unfortunately

natural selection/evolution did not catch up with mankinds ability to travel or tell us that we are all tribal at heart.

Anyone of any colour learns to be racist,from their elders and peers. Im lucky that i never heard a racist word or idea from my parents and grew up accepting people as they come.
2015-11-12 21:39:16 UTC
It's a learned behavior. White people aren't BORN RACIST, like, "oh yeah, i hate black people" or whatnot. The things that influence whites is what causes racism. The role models, social media, their friends, all of that. It's all influence, not instinct.
2015-11-13 11:51:09 UTC
I think it is a first look perspective that gets the way creating "racism" maybe based on one got use to see one shade it just adjusting the eyes to accept another in a different shade. What I think is based on expectations people make on the people they meet to look what they expected and get scared on how they can have expectations met and people just hate it being wrong. As I am thinking this question I thinking that it is silly fuss on color of people when they get house cats have mixed colors though cats are cute and abnormal appearances of humans are just an eye sore when not use to it.
2015-11-15 12:31:20 UTC
I never met a racist. I met people claiming to hate black people, but as soon as one was in our group, they got along with them without saying the "n" word or arguing

It was like it was an act to look cool based off of television. To be completely honest, the only place racism exists in on fictional television. Other than that, most people I know believe in mutual respect.
Sherry Smith
2015-11-11 05:58:25 UTC
No. There are racist people of all colors. According to liberals, practically every white person is racist, which is BS
2015-11-12 12:00:39 UTC
When I was growing up there was one black family in my town,I never heard of the n word growing up until I went to junior high school.I was at work and this man asked if I saw so and so he described him as a polka dot,I said what is that He told me I lived a sheltered life!well when I explained this to my supervisor he took a fit about what was said,nearly fired this person he was also a nit picker always crabbing about others work.I cringed when he would walk into work,thank god he was only picking up papers for delivery!I did,nt have to work beside him
2015-11-12 18:22:21 UTC
A learned behavior.
2015-11-11 18:42:13 UTC
Every single race has shown signs of bieses based on similarities. This has been that way since ancient times. We even discriminated niandrathals for looking and acting diffrent. So to say it bluntly I think it's human nature to judge based on appearance. And not be trusting towards everyone if not tought any different.
2015-11-12 18:10:11 UTC
Every one is born with an empty head. Racism is adapted from hating some one else on there Background, Skin colour etc.. Everyone is learned from some one else to hate other people or they learn themselves , prior to that yes racism is a behavioural issue not an physical one.
2015-11-12 19:06:41 UTC
It's a learned behavior. Children learn from their surroundings and backgrounds resulting in how that person will think.
Sir Studley Smugley
2015-11-11 08:23:55 UTC
Mostly learned - but there is a tendency in humans for a paranoia or mistrust of people that look different. Blacks and Asians can be just as racist.
2015-11-11 07:08:09 UTC
I think every white person is a racist. There's just different degrees of racism among every white person. Why is it the average black person experience racism from a white person daily if this weren't true?
2015-11-11 06:10:38 UTC
ALL people are inherently racist.. white, black, brown, yellow, whatever. That is human behavior that grows out of the evolutionary desire to perpetuate one species over another. What differentiates civilized people from the disgusting bigots of today who take action on those thoughts is that they automatically recognize such thoughts as being unacceptable and repress them.
2015-11-13 07:27:25 UTC
In most cases it is learned behavior. I have become more racist due to environmental issues. Home burglarized by other race, credit card stolen and used by other race, almost raped by another race. Can't help it since being victimized makes you wary.
2015-11-12 10:39:07 UTC
Learned behavior.
2015-11-12 16:37:56 UTC
I feel based on experience that there is a greater proportion of black people and especially Muslims who are racist. The UK is a pretty tolerant place though continental Europe are still way behind and there is still some racism there that is clearly evident.
2015-11-13 11:45:27 UTC
EVERY animal is congenitally racist. MONARCH BUTTERFLIES have been proven to be racist based on the looks of another. Wolves are obviously racist. No one likes strangers, especially iff they look outrageously different (skin color, height, etc).
2015-11-11 05:55:04 UTC
You would have to ask the racist left who hate white people for being successful. You know the whole White Guilt thing, lol.. Or how about White Privilege, that's a azz kicker there, lmao
2015-11-11 21:03:01 UTC
It's not racial these days, its cultural. Most white people have no problem with African Americans IF they're not the low class, ghetto jiving, dope dealing, pistol packin' kind of blacks you see on 48 hours. I suspect that most working class and professional class blacks don't appreciate redneck, dope smokin', gun totin', trailer trash, Confederate flag waving whites. Sure, we still a way to go on this issue, but we got past the 'No Irish Need Apply' days...we'll get past this one as well.
Saundra W
2015-11-11 08:19:48 UTC
Racism in not inherent. It's a learned behavior, no matter what race a person is.
2015-11-11 07:19:05 UTC
I had a bad experience living among a majority of black people. If there is one black person in a group of whites; he get's respected a lot more and can easily play a race card. The other way around he gets bullied and grows up hating black people. Blacks have created their own racial segregation.
Andy F
2015-11-12 11:11:44 UTC
hard to tell. But I think it's a learned behavior, in the vast majority of cases.

When a fish swims in the water, it can't help getting wet. When white people grow up in a USA whose culture & politics have been shaped by hundreds of years of racial conflict, and by the legacy of the old Jim Crow system, the plantation slavery system before that, and the Indian Wars of the Old West, many of us can't help but pick racist ideas and emotions.

-- democratic socialist / have been influenced myself at times by white supremacist propaganda, but I hope I'm now in recovery, thanks in part to help from black friends & acquaintances
Pac Man
2015-11-11 10:19:51 UTC
It's learned.
2015-11-13 06:05:44 UTC
When someone is racist they were most likely taught not to like the other race or that their race is the superior race. Babies aren't born racist but their parents or the media or even friends at school make them racist
2015-11-13 17:26:51 UTC
This is like asking "Have you admitted to beating your wife?" The question presumes "whites" are racist. However, I did catch congenital racism once when I was in the service. It was really itchy.
2015-11-13 10:24:08 UTC
It is a learned behavior which is taught to us by uppity, militant minorities constantly whinging and whining about perceived racism rather than work on their own problems. Blaming Whitey is easier than recognizing the weaknesses in their own community. They have to learn to take personal responsibility for their acts, and the acts of their community.
2015-11-12 21:04:58 UTC
I think everyone is a little racist. No one looks at EVERY race the same. I would classify myself as a racist. But I do see that black people tend to hang out with other black people, same with Latinos and whites. I think we just naturally segregate ourselves.
2015-11-12 15:13:30 UTC
A learned behavior.
2015-11-12 17:06:31 UTC
Here are just a FEW blacks who obviously don't feel inferior to anybody. I couldn't post them all. Why don't you hear about them? James Martin,17, graduated Tuesday from Florida Atlantic University---earning a bachelor's degree in molecular biology with a 3.9 grade point average. Thessalonika Arzu Embry,14, in Chicago State University, Bachelor's degree in Psychology," Two black twins Paula and Peter are the youngest people to EVER pass the University of Cambridge Advanced Math A Level exam. Hold World's record. Her IQ is 156. (Average IQ's are app 100). MENSA is the High IQ society of the world. The one and only requirement is an IQ that is in the TOP 2% percentile of ALL IQ's. An IQ of about 132 qualifies you for MENSA. Hers is 156.
angel manuel
2015-11-12 08:20:58 UTC
Because of the ideólogy its hard to explain. It's like comparing Chinese with Japanese people. Nope it's natural ok behavior . For example your roman your racism will be Greeks see?
2015-11-12 05:47:28 UTC
Anyone can be racist it's 2015 wake up people everyone does everything these days and reason why (because why not what's stopping them) Nothing except themselves :( sad but the truth.
2015-11-13 11:51:44 UTC
good question , I have pondered this myself.

I believe its part of white culture ,however having said that . I believe many cultures prefer only there own feather. Also that it does seem natural in the animal kingdom for same breed animals to stick close together. Not to say one is better than the other but that they always prefer those that are the same as them.
2015-11-13 09:58:57 UTC
It started out as a learned behavior (thanks to western media), and it seems that after many decades they somehow began to evolve to become congenitally racist.
2015-11-11 16:42:34 UTC
I think Dennis Leary said it best. Paraphrasing here, but the gist is:

Hate is a learned behavior. I have a 2 year old, and you know what he hates? Naps. End of list.
Jay - Rageaholic
2015-11-13 07:22:25 UTC
i prefer the term racialist and i'm not in the least bit ashamed to admit the races are different and not equal whether we like it or not

and for me it's based on common sense observations and my own conclusions, especially when i come into contact with non-whites with chips in their shoulder (ie you).

one measure in the differences between the races is the societies we build.

there's significant average IQ differences between subsaharan africans, NE asians and white europeans and it clearly shows.

blacks on the whole can't run a bath, let alone either a city or a state. the shitty state of anywhere where they rule or they're the majority is proof of that - virtually all of africa, haiti, detroit, a lot of london. they took a perfectly good white run nation (rhodesia/zimbabwe) that was one of the most prosperous in africa that had a huge agricultural export industry and ran it right into the ground. blacks ran detroit into the ground and it's considered the worst city in north america... it's 87% black... coincidence? No.

now compare that with societies whites are the (sadly dwindling) majority / have built - UK, germany, USA, russia, canada, australia, new zealand, sweden, norway, denmark, italy, france, switzerland, etc or NE asia, particularly japan and south korea <- all these countries top the lists for standards of living, education, wages, and generally everything related to prosperity, and that is why people from the third world swarm into white countries.

black/african countries, along with arab / certain asian countries have the dubious honour of being at the bottom for pretty much everything and if it weren't for significant western investment they would be even worse. they're able to overbreed because of western medicine and aid when years ago most of their offspring would've died.

on the same note, blacks physiology makes them dominant in several types of sport - hence the fairly large number of blacks in the english premier league, NFL, NBA and many of the best boxers ( muhammad ali, mike tyson - even if he is a scumbag, et al ), bodybuilders (mr olympia winners) as well as track athletes are black, e.g. usain bolt, but in comparison theres barely any top, say, chinese athletes

.. and on the same token, blacks aren't the brains of the human race or any country. how many nobel prize for science/medicine recipients are black? how many of the top scientists, engineers, and surgeons are black?

even that ben carson the republicans in america are fawning over got into medical school via "affirmative action" , he's admitted it himself and even said it's a good thing (justified it because he was able to "adapt" to the rigors - he doesn't consider the fact he probably did a much better qualified potential neurosurgeon or whatever out of a school place did he? no.. of course not), and even if he didn't he's a rarity among his race... like goldust.

a top german, british, white american, russian, chinese or israeli surgeon isn't remarkable because of their race... when you're black, you're apparently president and movie material, what does that tell you?
2015-11-13 12:17:11 UTC
I believe the original question here is racist/anti-white. What about the term "foreign devils" used by people in Asia? Doesn't very welcoming and inclusive to me.
2015-11-13 03:27:24 UTC
Racism is a human trait, so every race has racist members. White people are the majority, so it may be more noticeable because there are more of them doing it simply because there are more of them.
2015-11-11 23:31:47 UTC
It is not just white people, all people have and inborn tendency pick a group and then exclud outsiders, however is is learned behavior to devide people into groups based on race.
2015-11-12 23:08:33 UTC
White people are mostly more racist in the US because their ancestors were probz slave owners and it was most likely a learned behaviour amongst their parents and so on
2015-11-11 16:23:30 UTC
These are Rhetorical Questions to get you to think. If racism is in the genes, what protect LEFTISTs from having it? Does that same gene keep you from asking why hasn't your mandated Utopias succeeded anywhere? If the LEFT truly had "Superior Intellect," they would put in milestones for course correction.

LEFTISM appears to have individuals search for their victimhood. Microaggressions & self-serving University of Missouri football hunger strike are examples of wallowing in victimhood.
2015-11-11 13:30:17 UTC
I think it's a learned behavior.
2015-11-12 18:55:19 UTC
No one is automatically racist. Honestly, I know more people who aren't white that are SUPER racist than any white person I know. It just depends on how you were raised and events that happened in your life.
2015-11-13 09:45:17 UTC
Jaja i am white and a lot of my friends are black,in my opinion here in San Diego, San Ysidro and Chula Vista I have not seen racism, to my black friends are more cool and I fall better, we are not all racist brother
2015-11-13 14:51:12 UTC
UH,DUH,let's see:The Southside of St.Louis City went from being a tough,but nice area to suddenly being invaded by racist,black thugs in 95 to the present with nothing better to do than bring their sick,violent crime world into OUR lives INSTEAD OF JUST LEAVING US THE **** ALONE,start a race war against us cracker whites [while also killing each other].......if you blacks honestly WANT to keep killing each other,FINE!We can't stop you!JUST LEAVE THE REST OF US THE **** ALONE!If you don't want to be hated,STOP GIVING US A REASON TO HATE YOU!We weren't bothering you,YOU STARTED IT!
2015-11-13 09:57:31 UTC
Most white people are NOT Racist. We are "A$$holeists" We do not like loudmouth intrusive (and even criminal sometimes) Jerks. EVERYBODY is like that.

The Problem is that the Jerks want to blame their RACE of their being "rejected" or "Snubbed" when it is due to their not having "manners", etc. __SOMETHING THEY CAN CHANGE. But do not want to, because blaming it something they cannot change (Race) is easier.

Notice that Some blacks and whites DO get along---in MAINSTREAM Society . Racists tend to separate the world into Black Society vs White Society where no other races can be a part of.----When in reality, we have MAINSTREAM Society where everyone participates regardless of race---in addition to the Black and White (and other) groups.

MAINSTREAM is where it is at and what we strive for. Mainstream just Looks "White", because most whites are born into it.--Yet we DO have whites in "white societies" that do NOT belong in it also--and are also snubbed by white Mainstreamers--We call them "Hillbillies" "Rednecks" and "racists"---- Just as we have Blacks that do not fit into Mainstream eithers--we call them the "N word"---

So it is the MAINSTREAM we strive for, and those in it must follow the rules--or face being ostracized--That's the way it is. JERKS not allowed of ANY race. A Black who follows the rules, talks mainstream, behaves mainstream, etc. is ACCEPTED. like anybody else. People only have trouble when they insist on NOT being mainstream and try to get in----And it does not matter WHAT RACE---however crooked politicians who want to control Blacks, blame it on "Racism" and tell their proles to "Act black"---which really further isolates them--leading to more racism charges.----No one EVER tells Blacks to conform to Mainstream behavior to be accepted.---Which is all they need to do.
2015-11-11 19:20:17 UTC
I think it's a learning behavior. Things start in the home first
francine Johnson
2015-11-11 19:48:56 UTC
I am of a white grandfather, native American African American mix, I have seen up close and personal the racial behaviors of whites. I have 2 addicted clients that are white, and they live in Black neighborhoods , but pride themselves as better, and support each other in hard times. It is amazing to see how even though they are both living in the hood they even have nothing to say when the white officer assaults a Black man. Strange, even though their kids are Black.
2015-11-12 21:48:50 UTC
2015-11-13 11:04:15 UTC
Learned, taught. It's an exercise.
2015-11-11 17:13:59 UTC
Same thing with black people LEARNED BEHAVIOR. You can't blame one race for racism. Whites have been racist, buts so have Asians and Blacks.
2015-11-12 00:17:04 UTC
Funny how you accuse white people of being racist, yet you love all the free handouts they give you etc. and the privilege of being able to live in their countries. Want to know who the most racist are? The colords.
2015-11-13 05:44:20 UTC
Learned example.....when my daughter was 6 she invited 8 little girls to her birthday it turned out five of them were black (we are a white family). Also invited was her cousin who is three months older. She took one look at the other girls sat round the table and said she wasn't to sit with "no blackies". She said they were dirty and stupid. I took her outside, phoned her mother (my sister-in-law) and asked her to come and collect her. I didn't know they were a racist family. The little black girls who came were daughters of a doctor, a lawyer, a newspaper writer, dressed immaculately in clean clothes.

I was horrified......definitely learned behaviour.
Latin Techie
2015-11-12 09:05:06 UTC
No, and heres why, racism is a concept that was invented to dominate and control it is not "congenital" in any way at all.
2015-11-11 06:13:39 UTC
I think far fewer white people are racist than you are being told and far more black people are racist than you are being told.

People who can think for themselves can see it isn't white people who are running around attacking black people like is a game.
2015-11-12 10:17:58 UTC
i think that black people are more racist than white, but anyway, it's learned behavior for both of them
2015-11-17 09:53:40 UTC
I don't think white people are usually racist anymore
2015-11-12 13:55:35 UTC
Thinking that all white people are racist is being racist.
2015-11-13 05:51:15 UTC
To be honest, there is racism in every religion especially in today's society. Personally I hate racism with a passion and wish it didn't exist.
2015-11-12 00:35:48 UTC
2015-11-12 11:24:17 UTC
Are you trying to attribute racism to white people, only?

Anyway, the answer is no, because that requires white people to verifiably be racist.
2015-11-11 19:15:55 UTC
People are born to think that they are superior to others...So whites will say they are better, I guess being racist, but black people will do the same to others of their own.

Also, most of the people saying 'racial slurs' are the black people talking to each other
2015-11-12 17:46:57 UTC
Every white person is a racist
2015-11-13 14:00:10 UTC
Black people are useless in society. All white people are doing is preventing black people from over breeding the us. If they did over breed the us, it would turn into Africa.

Plus: You are talking about Americans not all whites are racist
2015-11-11 16:12:54 UTC
Something of both. Prejudices against foreigners and anyone "different" are everywhere, have been throughout history. But the specific way this shows up in the USA is taught to us as children.
2015-11-12 03:53:46 UTC
The first thing that is wrong with your question is putting a color on it. You are implying that all white people are racist and therefore you sound ignorant and uneducated.
2015-11-11 17:22:26 UTC
I think liberals are the real racist ones. They are the ones who are playing the race card to advance a political agenda. Conservatives do not look at race when considering policies.
2015-11-11 06:00:17 UTC
What's your excuse for your obviously racist attitude?
2015-11-12 16:21:05 UTC
Different behaviors and different neurological patterns within the nervous systems. These types of things play a factor.
2015-11-13 05:51:33 UTC
I dont have anything against other races, but im both black and white and have many racist opinions :P
2015-11-12 19:23:54 UTC
racism is a learned behavior. i used to be racist, but then i learned to work my way around it. those who say it is genetic are just trying to make excuses for themselves. whether it is genetic or not, there is no excuse for disrespecting someone for physical traits they cannot change.
2015-11-13 09:49:19 UTC
It is a learned behavior. Parents who hate different race other than the color of their own will teach their young ones how people not their color are the devil.
Kevin Arnesen
2015-11-12 04:13:11 UTC
Racism is learned behavior
kalid isse
2015-11-11 16:40:32 UTC
Yes! Ofiozly
2015-11-11 19:23:12 UTC
The question itself seems racist.

Racism isn t a trait exclusive to those of a particular skin colour.
2015-11-13 20:17:19 UTC
I'm 75% black(I hate being black) and im a 14 year old boy. I believe that SOME black people get offensive sometimes if they don't get to have their way.
2015-11-12 12:09:35 UTC
I am white. My co-worker is black. I constantly here from her how "white people this,white people that"and I get sickened by it. I believe in people not, color. Some people can't seem to see a difference.
2015-11-11 18:56:25 UTC
well, since i have light hair and blue eyes with parents who are both from mixed races, i cannot answer this question honestly. people do assume that i'm a racist from my looks, so they are the ones who are racist..right?
2015-11-11 14:21:10 UTC
It's learned. I definitely don't think it's inherited through genes.
2015-11-14 16:15:40 UTC
Racism is to tool used by the Media to make more money. They pit White Brother against Black Brother and want them to preform a human cock fight, which makes them needed and important. The truth is the Media is against us trying to make us hate each other.
The Mikel
2015-11-12 12:03:24 UTC
Yes it is learned. I was not confronted with it until I went to my first job place, where I learned most of the words and some few reasons. .
2015-11-11 05:54:57 UTC
White people are as racist as any other people in this world
2015-11-12 15:57:04 UTC
You are not born racist it's social behaviour and attitudes that determine whether you become racist or not.
2015-11-18 00:32:48 UTC
Tried several times to report your question as racist, abusive and insulting. System disallows?! Why is that?
2015-11-13 07:29:50 UTC
It's mostly learned. But you could, probably say the same, about the opposite of it. I have nothing against black people,in general, even though I don't see them as black. Nor against natives.
2015-11-11 06:11:16 UTC
Racism is a learned behavior.. babies aren't born hating.
2015-11-12 12:38:21 UTC
No one is born racist but what affects one's mindset is how he or she is raised. If the parents imply racism, the child can usually grow racist.
2015-11-12 13:02:49 UTC
Don't judge a whole race based on one persons action
2015-11-11 16:45:30 UTC
Primarily learned.
2015-11-11 05:56:44 UTC
Blacks can be the most racist people on the planet and try to use their history as a excuse.
2015-11-13 10:52:58 UTC
Everyone is racist to one degree or another. It doesn't matter what color the person's skin is or what country they come from. Everyone has someone that they don't like.
2015-11-11 18:56:06 UTC
Everyone discriminates in one way or another, but that still doesn't necessarily make it right. Self improvement should be continuous and unrelenting.
2015-11-11 05:59:11 UTC's learned.
Adrienne Harrison
2015-11-12 08:40:40 UTC
I think they're racist 20% are alright
2015-11-12 15:46:44 UTC
yes that old racist institutional mentality still exist. those old racist f u c ks ie: (the grandpa and grand ma) live on through their sons and daughters. and some are unconsciously unaware of it, but some are still truly scared ie racist. they created the problem and they carry it in them. they even rash on each other through classicism.
2015-11-11 12:57:37 UTC
That's a good question for Obama ,the BIGGEST RACIST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.
2015-11-11 11:38:52 UTC
i feel that the black community is creating racists all of the time, through their behavior and negative attitudes towards the white-community and or the latin0-community or the puerto rican-community.

you know with attitudes like those, you are not making any friends.
Just Some Guy's Tatum Report
2015-11-11 22:35:10 UTC
By far they are the most generous.

They adopt outside their homogeneity. They funded & gave an employed, earning above minimum wage, cheapskate sub Saharan descent walking/hitching a ride 20 miles a day a Ford Taurus & $300,000 to buy the car when the funding wasn't needed cause the dealership gave a free one anyway. They bought a Sub Saharan Descent Crossing Guard a Lincoln Mercury. They Bought a Sub Saharan Descent lawn mower man walking his mower a new Pick Up Truck. They Funded a Sub Saharan Descent stranded in Colorado with his kid gets funding for $52,000 more that what most people earn in 2 or 3 Years. They funded a 90 Year Old Sub Saharan Descent WWII veteran a $100,000 to help pay off his mortgage when all he needed was $15,000.

They Started the Abolition of slavery movement, Human rights movement, Abolished it on western society and Globally campaigning to eradicate it successfully pressured Saudi Arabia to Abolish it in the 1960s, but human rights abuse still persist in Saudi Arabia & the rest of the middle east. They keep pressuring the Sahara/North Africa to cease the practice of hereditary slavery (chattel/caste) that still exist in Mali, Niger, Chad, Mauritania who abolished it in 2007 but not really enforced. Traditional Slavery still exist in Central/East Sub Sahara. The Ashanti Elites & other tribes the grew into a kingdom by supplying slaves to Arabs & the Americas would rather get educated in European Western Societies even to this day. The sub Saharan homogeneity are so dependent on Europeans that they seem to be unable to do be independent & self reliant for themselves that they require European descent & Chinese descent to build, maintain & stabilize their undisciplined/corrupt community, or independent country in the Caribbean & Africa. Sub Saharan's revisionist claim to be superior laborers to Slavs of Eastern Europe thus why they were imported to the Americas, but if that was the case, the Americas would not have brought in Orientals, Indians, Middle Eastern & Eastern Europeans after slavery was abolished in Western Societies. The State of Eastern Europe, Japan, Singapore, China compared to Haiti, Jamaica, & corrupt Sub Sahara ruled communities/countries put pot holes in Sub Saharan superiority especially in self reliance, hard work, honor & discipline.

Racism is the modern day spin on tribal, spiritual, & social prejudices reinforced by unruly, undisciplined, corrupt, & unacceptable negative behavior in society. Before science, superstition were sometimes attached to the prejudice expressed even today in Sub Sahara & the Middle East. Delusional prejudice are expressed by very arrogant corrupt egotistical revisionist unable to accept the accomplishment & advancement of other societies they were assimilated into.
2015-11-13 16:18:22 UTC
There are racists in every race so we can't stereotype.
2015-11-12 01:20:43 UTC
Everyone has the sin nature from birth. Racism is something learned, but is not exclusive to whites.
2015-11-12 09:21:36 UTC
Racism is a learned behavior, no matter the ethnicity.
2015-11-11 16:32:15 UTC
Donald Trump is defiantly ******* racist. But I find it funny. Dump Trump. hehehehehehehe
2015-11-11 18:05:26 UTC
Wow, nice example of a loaded question. You win a free picture!
2015-11-15 10:24:26 UTC
What a stupid leading racist question, assuming that whites are racist.
Me Too
2015-11-12 19:55:35 UTC
Is the author of this question congenitally moronic or did the liberal education system make him/her/it that way?
2015-11-13 09:03:41 UTC

No one is born hating anything
2015-11-13 11:12:39 UTC
Some white people arent prejudiced, they hate everybody.
Dwayne Mountain Dew
2015-11-11 23:12:31 UTC
at least for the past couple generations it is learned behavior like i learned from observation most African Americans...
2015-11-12 07:52:21 UTC
Asking if a race of people is something or other is itself a sign of racism.
2015-11-12 06:49:46 UTC
It is not racist to have a preference for your own kind. It is entirely normal.
2015-11-12 18:47:12 UTC
I am a liberal and I would have to agree that it is not someone's fault if they are racist.
2015-11-11 17:58:41 UTC
Obama does his best to teach everybody to be racist.
2015-11-12 08:58:04 UTC
Nobody is born racist
2015-11-11 14:08:19 UTC
Most people develop prejudice from interracting with people , not because of being raised that way
2015-11-12 16:43:37 UTC
It is learned. Most of it comes from parents.
2015-11-12 16:40:00 UTC
learned behavior
2015-11-11 16:39:19 UTC
humans are a SMALL GROUP SPECIES! we naturally cling to the similar and mostly fear the "others"

But in a world of 7 thousand million people. EVERYBODY IS DIFFERENT!
2015-11-12 08:01:15 UTC
Your question is racist. Are you white?
2015-11-12 15:18:24 UTC
down south are a bunch of racists
2015-11-11 23:59:25 UTC
Truthfully, racism exists in all races and each of us discriminate people in different ways.
Shadow the Hedgehog
2015-11-17 13:26:00 UTC
Everyone is born racist.
2015-11-13 07:54:58 UTC
Racism exists in every society, in every group. Indeed, there is even racism between Blacks (or should I say Afro-Americans).
2015-11-12 14:49:12 UTC
2015-11-12 12:36:30 UTC
I think that racism is something that is people learn from people they are surrounded by
2015-11-12 04:23:07 UTC
You're still a congenital moron!!
2015-11-11 06:04:07 UTC
Racism is mostly caused by observation, when people conduct themselves as savages they alienate others.
2015-11-11 21:49:23 UTC
If you are black that means you are a racist for posing this question
2015-11-12 04:19:53 UTC
It's a societal thing.
2015-11-12 18:27:14 UTC
All racism is learned behavior whether it be black on white and white on black and asian on black and white on asian and so forth.
Female Spider
2015-11-12 11:10:01 UTC
A mixture of both nature and nurture
2015-11-12 09:49:43 UTC
Its not just the White people, its ANY race
2015-11-12 11:43:54 UTC
I'm black and I like white people more than black people, lol. That should answer your question.
2015-11-12 13:13:38 UTC
I think your question was meant too be asked are we genetically racist UM no!!!!
2015-11-11 07:56:06 UTC
It is a sleeping trait in all humans. All it needs is motive to wake it up.
2015-11-11 07:00:20 UTC
2015-11-12 09:10:47 UTC
No. Every race has its racists.
2015-11-11 06:03:33 UTC
Hate is learned, love is instinctive.
2015-11-12 12:32:58 UTC
The irony is that this is an extremely racist question.
2015-11-12 17:48:05 UTC
Yes, they learn it from surroundings.
2015-11-12 09:55:59 UTC
Hatred is taught.. Friendship and love is earned
2015-11-12 14:04:14 UTC
Real Racism is always learnt or bred.
2015-11-11 17:25:35 UTC
Look around you in prisons schools churches what color do you see
2015-11-15 08:29:35 UTC
Any race can be racist.
2015-11-11 05:57:02 UTC
People in general are born racist.

The fact you specifically aim for white people makes your racist.

Its a defense mechanism, to always think your tribe is the best and the others suck.

It happens with everything, not just skin color.

Its something adults should know about themselves and thus not react to their primal instinct.


Downvote whatever you don't want to hear. fine.

I'm backed up by science, you by a hunch.
2015-11-11 15:48:03 UTC
Maybe you should ask AA that. They seems to be obsessed with race.
2015-11-12 14:18:49 UTC
Some are
Sensitive Nips
2015-11-12 11:13:11 UTC
2015-11-13 10:56:18 UTC
a learned trait
Linda R
2015-11-12 15:38:10 UTC
NO one, in America, was racist until Obama FORCED it on everyone!!!!!!!!!!
2015-11-11 13:03:51 UTC
All people are racist no matter what color you are.
2015-11-13 09:13:51 UTC
instintive, people fell more seucurity whith similars species since the bigginer of the life
2015-11-13 09:17:30 UTC
2015-11-12 23:31:39 UTC
You have to be taught to hate: sadly, many (black and white) have been so taught.
2015-11-13 15:33:03 UTC
Blacks make them racist.
2015-11-12 06:05:38 UTC
Racism is a choice, no matter what race you are.
2015-11-12 18:54:12 UTC
Yes they are
2015-11-12 13:23:57 UTC
Maybe it is because they meet people like you
2015-11-12 15:59:18 UTC
2015-11-12 17:06:06 UTC
learned behaviour
2015-11-11 22:13:44 UTC
no one is BORN knowing how to hate---it is TAUGHT, and that applies to persons of ALL colors and races and religious beliefs.
2015-11-12 10:34:55 UTC
2015-11-12 16:44:55 UTC
We learn it from the blacks who hate us first.
2015-11-13 08:15:13 UTC
Its a response to black racism.
2015-11-12 14:04:33 UTC
it's more learned. ----Nurture over nature
2015-11-12 01:51:01 UTC
It is learned from their goverrnment
2015-11-11 05:57:42 UTC
Racism is learned no matter what color one is.
2015-11-12 15:06:08 UTC
its learned by observation
2015-11-11 19:17:29 UTC
isnt ur question kinda racist :P
2015-11-13 10:39:22 UTC
Ahahahahaha; go back where you came from,
Martin the baby
2015-11-13 06:30:59 UTC
Its called "experience with other cultures" :-)
2015-11-12 19:48:23 UTC
No, nearly all racists are black.
2015-11-12 07:39:16 UTC
another brave blue faced troll.
2015-11-12 06:00:19 UTC
No you racist!
2015-11-13 01:35:32 UTC
Both I guess
2015-11-12 20:36:21 UTC
oh ..a bunch at last head count
2015-11-12 11:07:36 UTC
who knows
New here
2015-11-12 03:22:21 UTC
To stupid of a question to answer.
2015-11-13 03:03:57 UTC
Who knows, eh?
2015-11-12 04:59:39 UTC
i learned it from noticing how unevolved and retarded certain other races are
2015-11-12 05:02:34 UTC
they are born with it
2015-11-12 15:17:47 UTC
England and I hate it.
2015-11-11 19:07:18 UTC
depends on the person, it is natural for some, cry about it
2015-11-11 17:09:24 UTC
Dusan Mandic
2015-11-12 12:33:39 UTC
No, blacks and libs are the racists.
2015-11-13 07:44:31 UTC
Was your MOTHER "congenitally" a PROSTITUTE .............. or is that "learned" behavior ???
2015-11-13 00:04:44 UTC
You do it similar interference.
2015-11-13 08:37:14 UTC
Not me
2015-11-13 08:50:11 UTC
King Nobama
2015-11-12 14:48:47 UTC
The white liberals are...
2015-11-11 20:20:12 UTC
They are
2015-11-12 09:58:50 UTC
2015-11-12 22:46:21 UTC
You are a doucebag, prick, ****, dipshit, who probably deserves to die
So Wundervoll
2015-11-12 03:34:28 UTC
yes, sadly
2015-11-12 03:38:34 UTC
2015-11-13 08:23:15 UTC
Uncle Pennybags
2015-11-12 15:11:23 UTC
Bite me.
2015-11-12 14:54:50 UTC
2015-11-12 08:03:40 UTC
Maybe maybe not
2015-11-12 22:20:10 UTC
Your question: "Are many white people congenitally racist, or is that a learned behavior? Update: If you don't feel that you are racist, then this query doesn't apply to you, so don't get defensive."

No one is congenitally racist. If you believe I am wrong, you would do well to show even one case that someone has acquired a race schema by transmission of genetic information. As far as I know, that is not possible.

You need to define your terms, because there is great variation in what people believe constitutes racism.

In any case, it is a learned behavior. I the future, if you post this again, ask yourself two questions:

(1) Does there exist genetic variation called race among human beings?

(2) Regardless of what you answer at (1), what constitutes racism?

My own answers may vary from yours, so I will qualify them.

(1) There is no rational basis for categorizing human beings into genetic races. Too many people that is an absurd statement, but it is biologically true. For one thing, human beings can and do successfully reproduce with other human beings no matter what arbitrary race categories they fall into. Given the way genes are mixed and transmitted, it follows that all human beings are the same species. What then does any superficial race schema have to support it? Nothing.

More recently, at the end of the Human Genome Project, molecular geneticists have alleged to show that the above statements are supported by molecular evidence, i.e., we are all the same species.

(2) Nevertheless, people habitually use the term race as if it were a given, and/or that it is universally defined such that all human beings agree. That is not the case, however. Further, even if the majority of human beings agreed on the same race schema, that would not indicate its accuracy or veracity.

I believe that otherwise educated persons in positions of responsibility, who reach the minds of many other people, have an obligation to educate themselves about human biology to the extent that they can understand these things on a practical level. The seemingly benign act of nonchalantly telling people that there exits an accurate and testable set of racial categories is the basis for the all too common error of reason called fallacy of division:

X is a member of set Y.

X has certain characteristics.

Therefore all members of set Y have the same characteristics.

Borrowing from your text:

X is a so-called white person.

X is a racist.

Therefore all white persons are racists.

It seems like a rather stupid thing to say and it is stupid; but it is common. Why it is common is probably, in my opinion, related to the propensity of the human brain to attempt to infer larger conclusions than can actually be inferred from the available evidence.

Racism and its cousins, nationalism and ethnocentrism, have occurred all through history and worldwide. Some people have never considered that history, and instead come to the erroneous conclusion that the only way to prove where racism started is to find the oldest book where the term race or its equivalent occurs. If no such book exists before that book, then racism started the year of publication of that book in the region where it was published.

That also seems like a stupid thing to say, but it has been proposed by a particular academic association of persons with degrees in sociology. Unfortunately, it is completely erroneous, because people have been racist, nationalist, and ethnocentric long before most human beings could read and write. Not all ideas are transmitted in print. Religion, for example, has historically been transmitted by word of mouth and observational learning.

In my opinion, even the President of the United States ought to be held accountable for statements that are clearly racist in nature. To wit, ask yourself: Are any of the following claims from Barack Obama even possible?

“There are very few African American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me. There are very few African American men who haven't had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars. That happens to me -- at least before I was a senator. There are very few African Americans who haven't had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off. That happens often.” – Barack Obama, 19 July 2013


" ‘There's no black male my age, who's a professional, who hasn't come out of a restaurant and is waiting for their car and somebody didn't hand them their car keys,’ Obama told People magazine in an interview…."

Associated Press, 17 December 2014


Those are impossible claims. The only thing they reveal of the real world is that Barack Obama is a paranoid psychotic, or a pathological liar, or both. I did not know he was like that when I voted for him. It was an unpleasant surprise to discover that he has a long history of promoting racism. His words only serve to reinforce psychotic, paranoid racists. I am sure he is aware of that. The results are extremely adverse. He learned the modus operandi from role models: Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright.

Likewise for the so-called news and video infotainment industry, much of which is no better than unwarranted propaganda: "New Yahoo survey shows blacks, Hispanics see tech as a more positive force in politics than whites do... There is a clear racial divide over how Americans feel about the effect of the Internet and social media on politics."

by Jon Ward, Professional Racist, 12 November 2015


I am sure Mr. Ward does not think of himself as a professional racist. But he is promoting a completely unwarranted race schema without any indication of concern for the adverse effects it has on society. And he is doing so because he is paid for it. I do not expect it to get any better any time soon.

I happen to be so-called white, my wife is so-called black. No matter what my opinion, expressed or not, I and others like me including my wife--indeed just about all of us who are not wealthy enough to shelter ourselves from race riots and discrimination--suffer the consequences from persons who subscribe to that race schema and act it out, they being reinforced solely because they read his article and his sources and regard it all as authoritative.

The way I see it, I will be dead one day. If I think there is a better and more wholesome way to treat my fellow human beings and help to shape society, then I try to be that way. I am sure it will have little to no effect, but it is better than nothing. It is certainly better than conforming to a long ago debunked race schema promoted by politicians, journalists, and pseudo-scientists.

I have become aware of too much death and misery caused by the sort of unreasoning cited above--particularly that attributed to our current President--to feel comfortable with it. In the age of almost instantaneous communication, such erroneous and antisocial ideas are in effect being promoted on a massive scale, sometimes at taxpayer expense, and often solely for profit. Nothing good can come from it.

The same sort of tactics worked for Adolph Hitler and more recent genocidal maniacs, for which see the Rwandan genocide, the Islamic State army, and Boko Haram, among others.

There you go. I hope to convince at least some people that reason and compassion are a far better guide to ethics than are ignorance, delusional thinking, and greed. Most readers have to live with the results. Keep that in mind the next time you read of a race riot or a murder committed from racist motivations.
Stay Thirsty For Liberty
2015-11-13 06:47:13 UTC
ANYBODY can be racist.
2015-11-13 09:42:44 UTC
ofcourse its taught!
2015-11-12 14:16:50 UTC
2015-11-12 00:39:45 UTC
2015-11-11 14:30:54 UTC
2015-11-11 06:03:04 UTC
2015-11-13 09:26:27 UTC
F u n word
2015-11-12 17:31:48 UTC
2015-11-13 13:41:40 UTC
it is in their genes
2015-11-13 08:05:45 UTC
2015-11-11 14:44:04 UTC
2015-11-12 15:30:24 UTC
2015-11-14 04:46:43 UTC
racism is stupid
2015-11-11 20:52:39 UTC
2015-11-15 02:24:34 UTC
This is an excellent question! Thanks for asking.
2015-11-11 05:56:01 UTC
Please stay on topic and address the question.
2015-11-12 05:57:20 UTC
Hin Long
2015-11-11 17:38:42 UTC
no they are retarded
2015-11-11 10:50:10 UTC
2015-11-12 12:55:57 UTC
Thanks for the racist question.
2015-11-13 06:46:01 UTC
2015-11-12 05:41:44 UTC
Huy D
2015-11-12 16:50:01 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.