Your question: "Are many white people congenitally racist, or is that a learned behavior? Update: If you don't feel that you are racist, then this query doesn't apply to you, so don't get defensive."
No one is congenitally racist. If you believe I am wrong, you would do well to show even one case that someone has acquired a race schema by transmission of genetic information. As far as I know, that is not possible.
You need to define your terms, because there is great variation in what people believe constitutes racism.
In any case, it is a learned behavior. I the future, if you post this again, ask yourself two questions:
(1) Does there exist genetic variation called race among human beings?
(2) Regardless of what you answer at (1), what constitutes racism?
My own answers may vary from yours, so I will qualify them.
(1) There is no rational basis for categorizing human beings into genetic races. Too many people that is an absurd statement, but it is biologically true. For one thing, human beings can and do successfully reproduce with other human beings no matter what arbitrary race categories they fall into. Given the way genes are mixed and transmitted, it follows that all human beings are the same species. What then does any superficial race schema have to support it? Nothing.
More recently, at the end of the Human Genome Project, molecular geneticists have alleged to show that the above statements are supported by molecular evidence, i.e., we are all the same species.
(2) Nevertheless, people habitually use the term race as if it were a given, and/or that it is universally defined such that all human beings agree. That is not the case, however. Further, even if the majority of human beings agreed on the same race schema, that would not indicate its accuracy or veracity.
I believe that otherwise educated persons in positions of responsibility, who reach the minds of many other people, have an obligation to educate themselves about human biology to the extent that they can understand these things on a practical level. The seemingly benign act of nonchalantly telling people that there exits an accurate and testable set of racial categories is the basis for the all too common error of reason called fallacy of division:
X is a member of set Y.
X has certain characteristics.
Therefore all members of set Y have the same characteristics.
Borrowing from your text:
X is a so-called white person.
X is a racist.
Therefore all white persons are racists.
It seems like a rather stupid thing to say and it is stupid; but it is common. Why it is common is probably, in my opinion, related to the propensity of the human brain to attempt to infer larger conclusions than can actually be inferred from the available evidence.
Racism and its cousins, nationalism and ethnocentrism, have occurred all through history and worldwide. Some people have never considered that history, and instead come to the erroneous conclusion that the only way to prove where racism started is to find the oldest book where the term race or its equivalent occurs. If no such book exists before that book, then racism started the year of publication of that book in the region where it was published.
That also seems like a stupid thing to say, but it has been proposed by a particular academic association of persons with degrees in sociology. Unfortunately, it is completely erroneous, because people have been racist, nationalist, and ethnocentric long before most human beings could read and write. Not all ideas are transmitted in print. Religion, for example, has historically been transmitted by word of mouth and observational learning.
In my opinion, even the President of the United States ought to be held accountable for statements that are clearly racist in nature. To wit, ask yourself: Are any of the following claims from Barack Obama even possible?
“There are very few African American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me. There are very few African American men who haven't had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars. That happens to me -- at least before I was a senator. There are very few African Americans who haven't had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off. That happens often.” – Barack Obama, 19 July 2013
" ‘There's no black male my age, who's a professional, who hasn't come out of a restaurant and is waiting for their car and somebody didn't hand them their car keys,’ Obama told People magazine in an interview…."
Associated Press, 17 December 2014
Those are impossible claims. The only thing they reveal of the real world is that Barack Obama is a paranoid psychotic, or a pathological liar, or both. I did not know he was like that when I voted for him. It was an unpleasant surprise to discover that he has a long history of promoting racism. His words only serve to reinforce psychotic, paranoid racists. I am sure he is aware of that. The results are extremely adverse. He learned the modus operandi from role models: Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright.
Likewise for the so-called news and video infotainment industry, much of which is no better than unwarranted propaganda: "New Yahoo survey shows blacks, Hispanics see tech as a more positive force in politics than whites do... There is a clear racial divide over how Americans feel about the effect of the Internet and social media on politics."
by Jon Ward, Professional Racist, 12 November 2015
I am sure Mr. Ward does not think of himself as a professional racist. But he is promoting a completely unwarranted race schema without any indication of concern for the adverse effects it has on society. And he is doing so because he is paid for it. I do not expect it to get any better any time soon.
I happen to be so-called white, my wife is so-called black. No matter what my opinion, expressed or not, I and others like me including my wife--indeed just about all of us who are not wealthy enough to shelter ourselves from race riots and discrimination--suffer the consequences from persons who subscribe to that race schema and act it out, they being reinforced solely because they read his article and his sources and regard it all as authoritative.
The way I see it, I will be dead one day. If I think there is a better and more wholesome way to treat my fellow human beings and help to shape society, then I try to be that way. I am sure it will have little to no effect, but it is better than nothing. It is certainly better than conforming to a long ago debunked race schema promoted by politicians, journalists, and pseudo-scientists.
I have become aware of too much death and misery caused by the sort of unreasoning cited above--particularly that attributed to our current President--to feel comfortable with it. In the age of almost instantaneous communication, such erroneous and antisocial ideas are in effect being promoted on a massive scale, sometimes at taxpayer expense, and often solely for profit. Nothing good can come from it.
The same sort of tactics worked for Adolph Hitler and more recent genocidal maniacs, for which see the Rwandan genocide, the Islamic State army, and Boko Haram, among others.
There you go. I hope to convince at least some people that reason and compassion are a far better guide to ethics than are ignorance, delusional thinking, and greed. Most readers have to live with the results. Keep that in mind the next time you read of a race riot or a murder committed from racist motivations.