2009-01-04 13:50:05 UTC
I always wondered why people seem so content with the crap that goes on. How can a man be so happy with a job in an office, where he works away and dedicates his waking life to some stupid corporate project? How can a woman be happy slaving away as a mother to ungrateful brats who will grow up and throw her into a nursing home? How can kids in school work and work at stupid crap like clubs and sports, and fill up their time with student council and studying, trying to get into colleges that will just overcharge them for their education and throw them into eternal debt, while they try their damndest to be able to buy groceries with a paycheck that could be beaten by McDonald's without a degree?
I don't get it. I ponder. I wonder. There has to be something more.
I feel like a rodent in a cage. Here I am, sitting at my computer, playing games. Oh, nice, a new item! Excellent! In fact, I was just playing World of Warcraft, and a guildmate just got a rare item in that game. Everyone in guild chat made a big announcement about it like they just gave birth or something. Why? It's a game. It's designed to keep you fat and happy, and to make you docile, to suck your money out of your pocket.
So what if I wasn't docile? What if I didn't have all of today's newest trends, fashions, health foods, and cars to keep me fat and happy? Then what? What would I do? I don't know. Life would be just as pointless. I'd live a terribly boring life. So I wonder - on one hand, you have this incredibly stupid existence, surrounded by consumerism, materialism, fake food that is full of artifical crap and chemical crap that humans were, quite frankly, never meant to mess with - and on the other, you have this boring, harsh existence without any of that. Where is the balance? I can't seem to find it. I don't even know why I wake up in the morning.
People are rot. They are organisms that are not to be trusted. They do everything for themselves, and nothing for others - nothing unless they have some sort of benefit to gain from it. The ONLY REASON you can go to the store and buy pre-packaged food products that are conveniant and tasty to you, is because some asshole decided it would be a good way to make money. They don't give two shits worth a damn about your convenience or your life. If they could make money off of selling decapitated infants to cannibals in South America, they would. And if it made more money than pleasing your fat ***, they would focus on that.
So I go back to my original question. Why? Why. What is the point? Because I don't see one. I see misery, I see selfishness, I see hamsters in a huge cage, running in a wheel, oblivious to everything outside of their meaningless little world, full of NFL, NASCAR, Diet Coke, Burger King, Oscar-Meyer precooked bacon (it's easy and convenient!), Ford Explorers, Gucci, and a host of other crap that makes them think they are what they are not - but we've all been raised to think that we're all going to be big, rich hip-hop stars one day, to be featured on MTV Cribs or on some reality show.
I hope the planet burns.
Thanks for reading.