I am a black woman and it seems to me that these satanist eugenecist are bent on breeding humans through immigration legal and illegal through politics school and neighborhood rezoning which is de facto segregation talk radio both liberal and conservative and lastly online dating which as one one guy told me only losers go for anyway.I have notice that you do not see asianpeoplemeet.com or latinopeoplemeet.com but only black peoplemeet.com to keep blacks away from everyone else as if they are God.Jehovah God created mankind not satan or lucifer or no secret society so who do they think they are agents of the Devil.The eugenics movement started not in Germany but the U S with the Rockeffela foundation Ford foundation and Carnegie institutions as well as IBM computers that oversaw the extermination of millions in Europe during WW2 thanks to Charles Goethe and Charles davenport in Berkley California which is the home to the majority of these breeding I mean dating sites in America which encourages whites to breed with I mean date LATINOS or mestizos to have kids and boost the generic monolithic AMERICAN white population and have created black dating web sites to keep blacks separate and away from everyone else as if they are God. And pay MASONIC puppets like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and the NAACP to stir up negative race tensions to keep their dividing line between so called white and black America but wait until THE SON OF MAN ARRIVES WITH HIS ANGELS ON JUDGEMENT DAY!!