Social disenfranchisement is not a "speak" of any kind, but something very real and often, very painful and damaging. I, for example have been socially disenfranchised for a number of various reasons. This phenomenon (also often known as marginalization) occurs when a person (or group of people) are not easily defined by society's customary terms and are subsequently pushed outwards, sometimes deliberately, and other times more inadvertently. Disenfranchisement is not always the result of "lazy" or "entitled" people, and for someone to so sweepingly define it as such is just plain insensitive and ignorant. I do not resent others for working hard and earning a living, everyone deserves that right. However, a person from a poor family with very few social connections due to deaths and separations will have to work twice as hard as the person from a larger, well-connected, affluent upper or upper-middle class family. It simply is a fact, do the math. That being said, I am working hard to change my situation for the better. But even so, because of a number of factors my resources are FAR more limited than some.
Let me tell you what I DID do right;
1. Obtained by BA from one of the three largest Universities in the US (I don't feel comfortable disclosing the name of the University)
2. I was consistently an Honors Student
3. I served in leadership roles within several large college organizations
4. I've completed several internships with large companies
5. I've worked consistently since I was 15 years old
Some of the reasons that I am marginalized;
*I come from a poor family
*I come from a VERY small family
*I live in an economically depressed region of my state with little opportunity (I cannot currently afford to move, I can barely afford rent as is)
*I have been unemployed twice within the past year for reasons beyond my control (i.e. laid-off).
*I am gay (and don't identify with most gay men)
*I am in a great deal of debt due to a very long period of underemployment
*Upward mobility is non-existant in my life at this point because of my lack of socio-professional connections
In summation; because I am not connected to many well-off people, because I can't identify with many of the people within my "subculture," because of financial hardship, and because of the particular place I live in, I continue to be quietly nudged to the margins.
However, that being said, once again, I am currently taking drastic steps to better my station in life (yes, it's hard work). I'm not here to decry the success of deserving people that worked hard. I am simply here to inform you that honest, hard-working, intelligent people are sometimes overlooked because of a combination of unfortunate factors.