You know what, if 'pro-fat' websites can exist, then why not pro-ana?
It goes to back to an old argument a philosopher made(I can't remember his name). He said, that who on Earth has the right to decide what is a mental illness? It is a fact that mental differences exist in all people, so why classify anorexia as a mental illness. I do believe anorexia, is dangerous but many other practices are dangerous as well. People smoke and drink and even though these practices are detrimental to health no one would categorise these as mental ailments.
Mental ailments are just opinions as far as I'm concerned. If you believe there is something wrong with your body, well who is to say you are wrong in believing that?
There is a recent small scale subtle resentment of naturally thinner people. Their bodies are claimed to not be 'natural' or healthy. But then again, isn't obesity unhealthy.
These are just societies expectations working in a two pronged manner. On the one hand, the media tells you to be skinny, but on the other hand they tell you that big is beautiful.
And what about freedom of speech? If sites which encourage theocracy and other things people in the Western World generally do not wish for, then why not allow a pro-ana site. I mean, in no way do I support them, but I don't neccesarily condemn them.
People need to realise that these are all just perceptions. Sometimes you can't win.
Banning pro-ana sites would be a violation of the freedom of speech laws put in place to guarantee opinions are heard. Sure they encourage women to go to do dangerous things to their body, but smoking advertisements and drinking commercials do the same thing. Even the new revival of "big is beautiful" is having a negative effect. It is allowing many people just to put on weight as they don't see it as a problem.
Anorexia is a socially defined problem, and does go against all biological requirements, but so does obesity. So if they want to make these sites, then let them. Maybe society should be smart enough to encourage everyone regardless of body mass to love themselves regardless of whether they are skinny, fat, tall, short etc. But that will never happen. Society always has unfair expectations.
Let pro-ana sites exist. Otherwise you intrude on another fundamental law of the 'free-world': freedom of speech.