how do we know that these are really the people behind the yahoo accounts....I mean come on.. OPRAH?!?
2009-03-01 00:04:24 UTC
how do we know that this yahoo account really belongs to Al Gore, or Donald trump....seriously you think they have time or even care for yahoo answers??? and if it is them, they just use it for advertising..... Seriously look at the links that they leave behind so that you can watch there show...or participate in an event that will help THEM get what they want... i mean "Oprah" asked a question and didn't even choose a best answer!!! so really if these really are the people behind the accounts do you think they really care about what you think and their just using Y/A as an advertising spot???? and how dose Y/A really know if these are the real people using these accounts????

here's the link to the thing i was talking about;_ylt=AoANgT.I2em31r1Lo8flhmWL1KIX;_ylv=3?sid=sg&cp=3&tp=3&tnu=14
Three answers:
2009-03-01 00:09:10 UTC
yahoo pays them to ask questions
2009-03-01 21:34:44 UTC
We don't really know who is behind any account. I guess that is why you need to be careful with your information. You don't really know if a person is a good person, or someone out to harm you. I doubt Oprah post questions on the internet, she has people stand in line for her at Starbucks to get her coffee, I am sure if she wanted to ask a question, she would use one of her websites. Dr. Phil did a show on how someone set up a fake web site for his show. They claimed to be the official website of the Dr. Phil show and they were charging people to talk to Dr. Phil. So these people sent money to have a 30 minute personal conversation with "Dr. Phil" only the conversation never happened, and the fake people got money from people who thought they were dealing with the Dr. Phil show. I don't think yahoo can really know who is using these accounts.
Mandy C
2009-03-01 08:10:04 UTC
I call BS!! Like Oprah really has the time/interest to type out questions and read answers on Yahoo!! lol

But I guess ya never know there could be a famous person or two trolling around!! But I say the majority are fake!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.