1. Middle class (upper middle)
1a. I am still dependent on my parents and they have enough wealth to put me through college but not enough to live very luxuriously. Also, I'm going through vocational training for a career that will pay 60-80K
1.b. 21
2. White
2a. Yes, I do. As a sociology student, I understand dynamics of privilege. And I know that I was born into my social status. So all I can do is try my hardest, not take anything for granted, and try to help those who are not so lucky.
3. Female
3a. No, it doesn't. It could have if my father or any teachers had been sexist, but I was fortunate. I've never felt discriminated against because of my gender.
4. My life has completely revolved around my middle/upper-class background. The kind of education I have been able to obtain, the kind of toys I could have as a kid, the kind of food I ate, the things that I consider important in life, all have been influenced by my social status.
I just want to say that answer #2 annoys me. Class status is ONLY relative to economic wealth (and prestige), not behavior. I've seen people on this forum refer to their "class-status" as their social position in high school, so please stop doing that people! It's purely about finances and prestige.