2011-10-13 20:22:59 UTC
I haven't!
So, guys what do you think of this situation?
Girls I know are horribly insecure and go in bulks of groups of people to bully me because they're cowards, are jealous of me. They're desperatley trying to get a reaction out of me by provoking situations and belitting me to feel superior over me. However, I know I'm beautiful and that makes them angry that I'm true to myself no matter what anyone says or does to me.
However, those girls.. are having guys come up to me or trying to tell me that this person is a lot prettier then me, trying to compete by bringing up certain females names and trying to compare with me. Then they mock me for having good morals and beliefs bc they're drug addicts, hoes and are nasty and corrupted and I'm not.
Now, they're going on radio stations and asking people to play songs to validate them self to beliving they're beautiful, that I'm a hater. However, I'm hateful bc they have ignored me, have done mean things to me, gave me a reason to vent.
However, I don't need to validate my story bc my story wouldn't even matter since they're already taking sides what so ever! So, I don't know what I need to do considering I'm a loner who hasn't experienced life.
Now, they're rubbing it in my face and trying to say they know more then me bc they're full of arrogance and self pride bc they know more about life then me.
How do I handle horribly insecure people who have self esteem problems? It seems like that every where I go?