You should seek your explanation of whiteness in where ever you can find a dominant culture that does not understand or even recognise its self.
You could find elements of it in the feminist response to male domination, you could find it in Marxist critiques on the bourgeois.
You should not expect to find a self critique by the powerful, it will never happen. "White is, whatever white defines black is not".
It is time and culture specific, for example a Spanish person in Spain is white (no matter how dark) but a Spanish (Latino) person in America is not (no matter how light). Yet a Spanish person in America in The 17th century would have been classed as white (no matter how dark). White writes its own rules its all about supremacy
I am white by the way, or am I now that i have said all that ?
Try looking up Banton and/or Miles
Banton M 1998 racial theories 2nd ed. Cambridge; Cambridge university
Miles R 1989 Racism London: Routledge
Back L and Solomos J (eds). Theories of Race and racism. 2001 London: Routledge
Good luck :-)
Have a look at this its a wonderfull piece from a man who considered the aspects of colour very deeply. (not easy but makes you go " wow" when you get even a little of it)