OK...so it seems that all of us, are somehow missunderstanding ur question/ essay..ok...ill go along with that.
why not restate ur question? since all of us that took time to respond( i have read all the answers, and they all relate to what ur asking) somehow all of us managed to NOT understand what ur trying to say...well...ON BEHALF OF ALL OF US IGNORANT ONES HERE< I WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGIZE FORSOMEHOW MISSIN UR POINT> MABYE U WOULD BE SO KIND TO EXPLAIN URSELF IN SUCH A WAY THAT---US MORONS WOULD BE ABLE TO ANSWER.
thanks for ur understanding.
happiness comes from within. ur young and a smoker :) not poor, and a vean. a bit neurotic is not bad. we all are...trust me :)
be happy because u want to be happy, not because there are starving kids in china.
and wow, u are actually above the matuity level of a 16 year old. u sound smart, collect, and reserved. try to find urself. only when one finds oneself, will they be trully happy.
bipolar?? smoking should actually help a lot with that.
yes music plays a big part in someones happiness. there is nothing wrong with putting ur headphones on and forgetting about the crappy world we live in. however, u need to find some inner peace. i use to live in hawaii, one of the most amazing, peacefull places i have ever visited. there i started taking yoga classes. those helped me lots! i found myself, more at peace, more relaxed, and less stressed by the otside world